- Takeovers Code《收购守则》
- Departmental Interpretation and Practice Notes《税务局释义及执行指引》
- Windsor Declaration《温莎声明》
- Statistical Yearbook《统计年报》
- Hong Kong Economic Trends《香港经济趋势》
- Hong Kong Code of Conduct《香港经营守则》
- Hong Kong Annual Digest of Statistics《香港统计年刊》
- Hong Kong in Figures《香港统计数字一览》
- Hong Kong Monthly Digest of Statistics《香港统计月刊》
- Manual of the Hong Kong Securities Industry《香港证券业参考手册》
- Third Quarter Economic Report 19XX《一九XX年第三季经济报告》
- Hong Kong Economic Journal Monthly《信报经济月刊》
- Fourth Quarter Economic Report 19XX《一九XX年第四季经济报告》
- First Quarter Economic Report 19XX《一九XX年第一季经济报告》
- World Competitiveness Report 19XX Development and the World Economic Forum《一九XX年世界竞争力报告书》(由国际管理发展研究所与世界经济论坛出版)
- Introduction to the Estimates 1996-97《一九九六至九七财政年度预算简介》
- Statutes of Distribution《遗产分配法规》
- Sterling Guarantee Agreement《英镑保证协议》
- Consultation Paper on SEHK Procedures for Reviewing Directors' Suitability《有关联交所检讨董事资格的程序的咨询文件》
- Joint Declaration on Cooperation and Supervision of Cross-Border Investment Management Activities《有关监管跨境投资管理活动的联合声明》
- Practice and Guidance Notes on Listing Rule Changes《有关修改〈上市规则〉的应用指引及指引摘要》
- Far Eastern Economic Review《远东经济评论》
- Rule 144A144A条例
- Rule of 1818定律
- Investment Company Act of 1940(US)1940年投资公司法
- Rule of 7272定律
- APICS Business Outlook IndexAPICS(美国生产及库存控制协议)商业前景指数
- GDP GapGDP差距
- CAMELS Rating SystemCAMELS评级制度
- GDP DeflatorGDP平减数
- KBC BankN.V.比利时联合银行
- ABN AMRO BankN.V.荷兰银行
- Russell 2000 IndexRussell 2000指数
- T+2 ruleT+2结算制度
- Associate Clearing Housing Amsterdam阿姆斯特丹联合结算所有限公司
- Flight to Quality安全投资转移
- Quiet Filing安静申请
- Edward Wong Credit Limited安泰授信有限公司
- Yasuda Trust Asia Pacific Limited安田信托亚太有限公司
- Yasuda Trust & Banking Co. Ltd.安田信托银行
- D.A.H. Private Bank Limited安新私人银行有限公司
- method of apportionment on a pro rata basis按比例分摊计算办法
- proportionate reduction of property tax按比例减征物业税
- estimated expenditure by service按服务分类的预算开支
- gross domestic product by industrial sector按工业类别计算的本地生产总值
- money of the day equivalent按付款当日价格计算的等值款额
- gross domestic product at constant (1980) market price按固定(一九八零年)市价计算的本地生产总值
- amount of margin required to be deposited按规定须存放的保证金数额
- Quarterly Business Survey按季业务统计
- mortgage按揭,抵押
- time apportionment
- "time apportionment" case
- "high buy low sell" strategy
- cornering
- squeeze
- lot
- endaka
- one board lot of securities
- forced liquidation
- open a position
- Impairment
- Dumping
- Supplementary Notes to the Fit and Proper Criteria (for applicants applying for licences under the Leveraged Foreign Exch
- Fact Book 19XX
- Statements of Insurance Practice
- Fortune Magazine
- Estimates of Gross Domestic Product
- Financial and Accounting Regulations
- Financial Circular
- Standing Accounting Instructions