- Monopoly垄断、专利
- monopoly垄断,独营权
- omission of income漏报入息
- Luxembourg Monetary Institute卢森堡金融协会
- Luxembourg Stock Exchange卢森堡证券交易所
- roadshow路演
- Travel Industry Compensation Fund旅游业赔偿基金
- Pricewaterhouse Coopers罗兵咸永道会计师事务所
- N.M. Rothschild & Sons (Hong Kong) Limited洛希尔父子(香港)有限公司
- Mashreq Asia Limited马捷力亚洲有限公司
- Malayan Banking Berhad马来亚银行
- purchase买,购买
- Ask (Price)买方叫价
- Call Date买回日期
- Yield To Call买回收益率
- Call Premium买回溢价
- purchase money买款
- deal买卖,交易
- trader买卖商,交易商
- trading report买卖报表
- trading book买卖账册
- Put-Call Ratio买入-出售比率
- Put-Call Parity买入-出售价差
- Buying Hedge买入对冲
- purchase consideration买入价格,购买代价
- call option买入期权
- Call Warrant买入认股权证
- foreign exchange bought买入外汇
- Selling卖出
- Selling Hedge卖出对冲
- foreign exchange sold卖出外汇
- forward exchange sold卖出远期外汇
- vendor卖方,出售人,售卖人
- Oligopsony卖方寡头垄断
- short selling order卖空指示
- earned premium满期保费
- gross premium毛保费,保费总额
- gross premium income毛保费收入,保费收入总额
- gross insurance liabilities毛保险负债
- gross amount毛额
- gross profit毛利,溢利总额
- gross loss毛损,亏损总额
- trade贸易,行业
- trade unit value index贸易单位价格指数
- trade balance贸易差额
- trade-weighted effective exchange rate index of Hong Kong dollar贸易加权港元汇率指数
- trade-weighted exchange rate贸易加权汇率
- trade-weighted exchange rate index贸易加权汇率指数
- trade-weighted value贸易加权价值
- Trade-Weighted Dollar贸易加权美元
- time apportionment
- "time apportionment" case
- "high buy low sell" strategy
- cornering
- squeeze
- lot
- endaka
- one board lot of securities
- forced liquidation
- open a position
- Impairment
- Dumping
- Supplementary Notes to the Fit and Proper Criteria (for applicants applying for licences under the Leveraged Foreign Exch
- Fact Book 19XX
- Statements of Insurance Practice
- Fortune Magazine
- Estimates of Gross Domestic Product
- Financial and Accounting Regulations
- Financial Circular
- Standing Accounting Instructions