- Cherry Picking选出最有利的(投资等)
- optional stipulation选择性规定
- Flipper迅速换手投资者
- prompt collection of money迅速收款
- letter of hypothecation押汇质权书,银行抵押书,质押书
- hypothecation押货预支
- President of Asian Development Bank亚洲开发银行总裁
- Asian Option亚洲式期权
- Tobacco tax烟草税
- Extension Risk延长风险
- deferred share延迟派息股,递延付息股份
- deferred pay延付薪酬
- moratorium延期偿付权,暂行禁令
- tax heldover延缓缴纳的税款
- deferred life annuity延期人寿年金
- draconian revenue measure严厉的征税措施
- Research and Development (R&D)研究及开发
- proceedings研讯程序
- Yien Yieh Finance Company Ltd.盐业财务有限公司
- The Yieh Yien Commereial Bank盐业银行
- derivative instrument衍生工具
- derivative contract衍生工具合约
- derivative warrant衍生认股权证
- Yankee CD扬基存款证
- Five Rams Finance Company Limited羊城财务有限公司
- Herd Instinct羊群心理
- Defined Contribution Plan养老金固定缴款计划
- Defined Benefit Pension Plan养老金固定收益计划
- Required Reserves要求储备金
- factor cost要素成本,生产要素成本
- Required Rate Of Return要求回报率
- factor price要素价格,生产要素价格
- offer要约,建议,收购
- offeree company要约标的公司
- offer for sale要约出售
- offer to lend要约贷出
- offeror company要约公司,提出要约公司
- offer price要约价
- offer price要约价,发盘价
- offer to buy要约买入
- offer to sell要约卖出
- offer period要约期
- offer document.nbsp要约文件,建议文件
- title业权,所有权
- tenant业权人
- document of title业权文件,所有权文件
- proof of title业权证明
- scope of business业务范围
- Business restructuring业务重组
- transfer of business业务转让
- time apportionment
- "time apportionment" case
- "high buy low sell" strategy
- cornering
- squeeze
- lot
- endaka
- one board lot of securities
- forced liquidation
- open a position
- Impairment
- Dumping
- Supplementary Notes to the Fit and Proper Criteria (for applicants applying for licences under the Leveraged Foreign Exch
- Fact Book 19XX
- Statements of Insurance Practice
- Fortune Magazine
- Estimates of Gross Domestic Product
- Financial and Accounting Regulations
- Financial Circular
- Standing Accounting Instructions