- aerofoil翼型,机翼型,翼面,机翼
- dependent variable因变量,函数
- airfoil theory翼型理论
- cause-consequence tree因果树
- Inconel bush因科镍[合金]衬套
- Incoloy因科洛依[高温铁镍铬基]合金
- Inconel因科镍合金(铬镍铁合金)
- Inconel reflector因科镍合金反射层
- Inconel spring clip因科镍合金弹簧夹
- internet relay chat (IRC)因特网(互联网)中继闲谈[软件]
- factorization因式分解,因子分解
- Internet因特网,国际互联网
- Internet security system (ISS)因特网保密系统
- Internet security association and key management protocol因特网安全联盟和密钥管理协议
- Internet printing protocol (IPP)因特网打印协议
- Internet telephony service provider因特网电话业务提供者
- Internet address因特网地址,互联网地址
- Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers(ICANN)因特网分配名称和编号的公司
- Internet control message protocol因特网控制报文协议
- Internet cache protocol (ICP)因特网高速缓存协议
- Internet Key Exchange因特网密钥交换
- Internet routing table因特网路由选择表
- platform for Internet content selection (PICS)因特网内容选择平台
- Internet appliance因特网设备,因特网工具
- Internet portal因特网入口
- Internet Architecture Board (IAB)因特网网络体系结构委员会
- Internet group multicast protocol (IGMP)因特网小组多播协议
- Internet Society (ISOC)因特网协会
- Internet group management protocol (IGMP)因特网小组管理协议
- internet service provider (ISP)因特网信息服务供应商
- IPSec因特网协议安全
- Internet mail service (IMS)因特网邮件业务
- Invar因瓦合金,钢,不胀钢,热膨胀性小的钢
- Internet Council of Registrar (CORE)因特网注册委员会
- invar levelling staff因瓦水准标尺
- wallman amplifier阴地栅地级联放大器,涡尔曼放大器
- cathode glow阴板电辉
- minus electricity阴电,负电
- negatron阴电子,负电子,双阳极负阻管
- negative glow阴电辉,负辉,第二阴极辉光
- catelectrode阴极,负极(电池的)
- cathode阴极,负极
- cathode efficiency阴极[电流]效率,阴极[发射]效率
- cathode gate阴极[输出器]门电路
- cathode spot阴极斑点,阴极弧光,阴极炽点
- cathodic corrosion阴极[性]腐蚀
- cathode half bridge阴极半桥
- current requirement for cathodic protection阴极保护的电源要求
- cathode saturation current阴极饱和电流
- cathodic protection equipment阴极保护装置,防电化学腐蚀装置
- asynchronous starting
- asynchronous servomotor
- ACIA (asynchronous communication interface adapter)
- asynchronous communication interface
- SNA over asynch (SOA)
- asynchronous bit
- asynchronous operation
- asynchronous response mode
- induction torque
- asynchronous linear motor
- asynchronous operation
- asynchronous character
- asynchronous state machine
- voice over ATM
- abnormalism
- exception report; exception reporting
- abnormal cost
- off-state current
- abnormal
- abnormal current