- Schroe dinger wave equation薛定谔波动方程
- student microprojector学生用显微投影仪
- Avalanche Photodiode Coupler雪崩光电二极管偶合器
- cineangiography血管电影摄影术
- avalanche gain雪崩增益
- blood cell analyzer血球测定器
- hamatofynornmeter血萤光计
- ordinary ight source寻常光源
- o-ray寻常光线,寻常射线
- conventional image寻常像
- homing sensor寻的传感器
- ordinary index of refraction寻常折射率
- homing law寻的律
- homing scanner寻的扫描器
- homing intelligence寻的信息
- laser homing head axis寻的头轴
- image seeking method寻像法
- circulation循环
- circulating memory循环存诸
- circulating duct循环波导
- cyclic code循环吗
- piezocrystal压,压力
- mushroom cam蕈状凸轮
- piezoelectric constant压电常数
- piezoelectric positioning equipment压电定位设备
- Piezoelectric crystals压电晶体
- piezoelectric light modulator压电激光调制
- piezoelectric quartz crystal压电矩阵
- piezoelectricity quartz压电石英
- piezoelectric ceramics压电陶瓷
- piezoelectric laser modulation压电现像,压电学
- indentation hardness压痕硬度
- piezo-optical property压光性质
- retainer ring压紧圈,固定圈
- pressure compensator压力补偿器
- pressur of laser light压力灰雾
- pressure marks压力陡度,压力梯度
- press plish压力抛光
- piezo-luminescence压难发光
- piezoresistive压缩电阻的
- snap ring压圈(透镜的)
- compressed-hydrogen Ramn laser压缩氢喇曼激光器
- extruded glass压型玻璃
- indenter压头
- molded blank压型攘
- pressing lens blak压制透镜毛坯
- marking press压印机,刻印机,压痕机
- pressure shift压致偏移
- pressure broadening压致展宽
- ionized laser plasma
- Ionization chamber
- ionogam
- power-jdriven gear
- power main
- drag coefficient
- corona discharge laser
- current transformer (CT)
- penetration of current
- current gain
- Current Amplification Factor
- curretn amplification
- Current Feedback Bias Circuit
- galvanometer spot project
- galvanometer recorder
- galvanometer mirror
- current margin
- gallon (gal)
- Current Position
- curretn sink