- forest deterioration森林破坏,森林逐渐衰败 FD
- forest dieback森林梢枯病,森林顶梢枯死 FD
- forest biomass森林生物量,森林生物质 FB
- forest ecology森林生态学 FE
- forest species森林树种 FS
- Forest Damage Survey森林损害概况 FDS
- forest damage森林损害 FD
- tree line森林线,树木线
- forest decay森林退化,森林逐渐失去活力 FD
- sandstorm沙暴,沙漠风暴
- sand flats沙滩,沙坪 SF
- desertification control沙漠治理,治沙,沙漠化控制 DC
- sand deposit沙洲,沈积沙,沙滩,沙丘
- grit砂砾,粗砂 G
- spit沙嘴 S
- screenings筛选过的物质
- scallop culture扇贝养殖 SC
- screening (bio)assay筛选生物检定 SBA
- fanning plume扇形烟缕,扇形烟羽
- commercial lead time商品从开始设计到投入市场所需的时间 CLT
- trade name商名,商品名 TN
- commercial applications商业应用 CA
- Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System (HS)商品统一分类和编码办法 HS
- overlying atmosphere上覆大气 OA
- up-slope wind上坡风 USW
- eanabatic wind上坡风 EW
- upward flow chromatography上向流色谱法 UFC
- design temperature设计温度 DT
- sick-building syndrome设计不良建筑物综合征 SBS
- social disruption社会瓦解,社会混乱,社会分裂 SD
- deeper ocean深海 DO
- uptake摄取,吸收 U
- thalweg深泓线,谷底线,剖面线
- far-reaching impacts深远影响 FRI
- depthsonde深水探测器 D
- precipitate沈淀物 P
- sediment core沈积岩心 SC
- deposition velocity沈积速度 DV
- total deposition沈积总量 TD
- sinking沈降 S
- deposition沈积作用,沈积物 D
- settling tank沈降槽
- sedimentation basin沈降池,沈积盆地
- sedimentation tank沈降槽,沈降池
- downwelling沈降流
- sinking agent沈降剂
- settler沈降器,澄清器
- settling velocity沈降速度
- sinking time沈降时间 ST
- sedimentation rate沈降速度 SR
- environmental criteria
- approved facility(AF)
- R142
- vinyl trichloride (CHCl2CH2Cl)
- ethylidene chloride
- ethylidene fluoride
- fluorocarbon-500
- WCOEIEIT 1990,World Conference on Environmental Information Exchange in the 1990s
- fluorocarbon-504
- fluorocarbon-503
- fluorocarbon-502
- E layer
- CLIMAT broadcast(CB)
- NCA(NOx control approach)
- F-region
- NS,NOx sink
- NS,NOx station
- pH change(s),PCS
- NR,NOx reservoir
- pH decline