- World Conservation Strategy (WCS)世界养护战略 WCS
- World Conservation Monitoring Centre世界养护监视中心 WCMC
- tracer solution示踪剂溶液 TS
- tracer示踪剂 T
- tracer dilution technique示踪剂稀释技术 TDT
- accidental spill事故性溢漏 AS
- post-accident事故后 PA
- unintentional poisoning事故性中毒 UP
- test run试航,试车
- incident summary事故摘要 IS
- driving cycle试验阶段,试用期
- test observatory试验性观测台 TO
- indoor (air) pollutant室内空气污染物 IAP
- indoor air quality standard室内空气质量标准 IAQS
- indoor climate室内气候 IC
- desirable range of quality (of the ambient air)适当环境空气的质量范围 DROQOTAA
- indoor air ventilation室内通风 IAV
- pick-up point收集点 PUP
- trap-test收集性能试验 TT
- trap收集器,阱
- garbage collection收垃圾,垃圾收集
- lifetime寿命,生命期,存在时间
- sheltering收容,提供庇护所,提供住所 S
- monsoon-affected country受到季风影响的国家 MAC
- severely restricted chemical受到严格限制的化学品 SRC
- human-impacted resources受到人类冲击的资源,受到人类破坏的资源 HIR
- controlled受控制的,受管制的,受节制的
- controlled oxidation受控氧化作用 CO
- SDOAB,specific discharge (of a basin)受水地区的单位面积流量,比流量
- threatened species受威胁物种 TS
- acid-affected受酸影响的,受酸危害的 AA
- involved area受影响区域 IA
- desludge疏浚,疏导 D
- game management狩猎管理 GM
- dredgings疏浚挖出的泥沙,挖出物 D
- pigmentophore cell输色素细胞 PC
- amenity rights舒适环境的权利,舒适权 AR
- water-carrying capacity输水能力,水流量 WCC
- transport rate输送率,转移率 TR
- transport输送,运输,迁移
- dead lime熟石灰 DL
- slak(ed) lime熟石灰,消石灰 SEL
- killed lime熟石灰,消石灰 KL
- wet lime熟石灰,消石灰 WL
- tree breeding树苗育种 TB
- density of canopy树冠覆盖密度 DOC
- tree-ring树木年轮 TR
- tree surgery树木外科术
- top树梢 T
- leaf necrosis树叶枯死,叶枯斑病 LN
- environmental criteria
- approved facility(AF)
- R142
- vinyl trichloride (CHCl2CH2Cl)
- ethylidene chloride
- ethylidene fluoride
- fluorocarbon-500
- WCOEIEIT 1990,World Conference on Environmental Information Exchange in the 1990s
- fluorocarbon-504
- fluorocarbon-503
- fluorocarbon-502
- E layer
- CLIMAT broadcast(CB)
- NCA(NOx control approach)
- F-region
- NS,NOx sink
- NS,NOx station
- pH change(s),PCS
- NR,NOx reservoir
- pH decline