- ammonium polyacryhoitril聚丙烯青铵盐
- Polifeprosan聚苯丙生
- polyamide epoxy paint聚胺环氧漆
- aramid fiber paper聚芳酰胺纤维纸
- polyelectrolyte聚电解质
- polymeric alcohol聚合醇
- polidocanol聚桂醇400
- polymer-oil mixture drilling fluid聚合物混油钻井液
- non dispersed polymer mud聚合物不分散泥浆
- Campanula glomerata聚花风铃草
- three-sulfonated polymer salt mud聚合物三磺盐水泥浆
- polymer filtration control agent聚合物降滤失水剂
- cluster structure聚集構造
- Polymer sulfonate drilling fluids聚磺钻井液
- Poliglecaprone聚卡普隆
- aggragation聚結作用
- perfluorinated ethylene-propylene copolymer film (FEP)聚全氟乙烯丙烯薄膜
- Polaprezinc聚普瑞锌
- Polyestradiol Phosphate聚磷酸雌二醇
- Polysorbate 20聚山梨酯20
- Polixetonium Chloride聚塞氯铵
- Polysorbate 60聚山梨酯60
- Polysorbate 40聚山梨酯40
- Sump聚水坑
- Polysorbate 85聚山梨酯85
- Polysorbate 65聚山梨酯65
- Polyurethane Foam聚乌拉坦泡沫胶
- teflon/fiber glass copper-clad laminates聚四乙烯玻璃纤维覆铜箔板
- polyimide woven glass fabric copper-clad laminates聚酰亚胺玻璃布覆铜箔板
- cetomacrogol 1000聚西托醇1000
- Polyetadene;Polyethadene聚依他丁
- Poloxyl Lanolin聚羊毛脂
- polyimide film聚酰亚胺薄膜
- polyetl1yleneglycol carboxylate聚乙二醇酯
- PEG聚乙二醇(PEG)
- ployester woven glass fabric copper-clad laminates聚酯玻璃布覆铜箔板
- Polihexanide聚已缩胍
- donation捐赠,捐款
- non-woven polyester fabric聚酯纤维非织布
- PET film聚酯薄膜
- Standard Form of Receipt for Donations to the Geographical Constituency List As a Whole捐赠地方选区候选人名单的划一收据
- Standard Form of Receipt for Donations to Individual Candidate on the Geographical Constituency List捐赠地方选区个别名单候选人划一收据
- Cuculiformes鹃形目
- summary of donations捐赠摘要
- Cerastium arvense L卷耳
- tape rod卷带水平尺
- taping卷尺测量
- Parnassidae绢蝶科
- Dicruridae卷尾科
- Parnassius spp.绢蝶属(所有种)
- Passenger Agent Office (PAO)
- monitoring system
- Supervisor
- superintendence
- Passenger Agent Machine (PAM)
- wardens
- Commissioner for Oaths
- Saute beef slices in sauce
- Saute chicken slices
- Sweet hot cake
- Fried pork slices
- Saute beef slices
- Soft fried prawns
- Hamburger,Russian style
- Fried dumpling with lotus seeds soup
- Fried tomatoes
- Steamed rice with barbecued pork and fried egg
- Pan sauté shrimps with egg white
- Chicken curry with rice
- Fried pork liver