- Kuru库鲁病
- coumamycin库马霉素
- Coumafos;Coumaphos库马磷
- store door handle库门把手
- Cumetarol;Cumetharol库美香豆素
- stock庫存
- Countach库塔什
- store door latch库门闩
- Quadrosilan夸屈硅烷
- Quadazocine夸达佐辛
- plain arch垮拱
- Quazodine夸唑定
- span length跨度 、跨长
- straddle truck垮截车线
- crossover跨交
- load uniformly distributed over span跨度均布载重
- span跨度,孔
- interregional跨界
- Crossbond跨接联轨线
- hurdles;hurdle race跨栏比赛
- cross-border跨境
- striding level跨水平
- span depth ratio跨深比
- snack快餐
- pitched work块石铺面
- blockstone pavement块石路面
- sicative varnish快干凡立水
- Quick release快拆杆
- shortcut快捷
- Quick shear test快剪試驗
- Clipper快马 日本日产
- gaio快乐的,愉悦的
- Debonair快乐(雅仕)
- shutter release快门掣
- shutter button快门按掣
- shutter release cable快门绳
- shutter release快门启放器
- Shutter-Priority Auto快门先决
- shutter speed shutter duration快门时间的错误俗称
- shutter duration快门时间
- transit terminal快速交通终站
- transit traffic快速交 通,直达交通
- speeding transportation快速运输
- fast clustering快速聚类
- Mass movement塊體運動
- block stone塊石
- fast drilling additives快钻剂
- blocky structure塊狀構造
- block shear sample塊樣剪力試驗(現地試驗)
- block anchorage塊狀錨定
- Passenger Agent Office (PAO)
- monitoring system
- Supervisor
- superintendence
- Passenger Agent Machine (PAM)
- wardens
- Commissioner for Oaths
- Saute beef slices in sauce
- Saute chicken slices
- Sweet hot cake
- Fried pork slices
- Saute beef slices
- Soft fried prawns
- Hamburger,Russian style
- Fried dumpling with lotus seeds soup
- Fried tomatoes
- Steamed rice with barbecued pork and fried egg
- Pan sauté shrimps with egg white
- Chicken curry with rice
- Fried pork liver