- Mixed vegetable with chili sauce辣酱杂菜
- Roast chicken in chili sauce辣酱烤鸭
- Sliced pork and green chili辣椒肉丝
- Stir-fried sliced chicken and green chilli辣椒炒鸡丝
- Mixed fruits in sweet chili sauce辣酱杂果
- Head of fish in chili sauce辣汁鱼头
- Vegetable in chili辣蔬菜
- Stir-fried diced pork with green pepper辣子炒肉丁
- Stir-fried chicken with green pepper辣子炒鸡丁
- Diced pork with green pepper辣子肉丁
- Diced chicken with green pepper辣子鸡丁
- Lefradafiban来达非班
- Ledazerol来达醇
- Lemoxinol来苯醇醚
- Caller Diverting来电转接
- Ledismase来地酶
- Lexithromycin来红霉素
- Lenograstim来格司亭
- Lerisetron来立司琼
- Lexofenac来克芬酸
- Caller ID来话方显示
- Laidlomycin来洛霉素
- get off to a flying start来了开门红
- Lemidosul来米多舒
- Lemildipine来米地平
- Leniquinsin来尼喹新
- Lenercept来那西普
- Lenapenem来那培南
- Leptodactyline来普达林
- Lepirudin来匹卢定
- Lexacalcitol来沙骨化醇
- Letrazuril来曲珠利
- Lecimibide来西贝特
- Letosteine来托司坦
- Lesopitron来索吡琼
- leber disease莱伯病
- Samarium(153Sm)lexidronam来昔决南钐[153Sm]
- Legacy莱加西
- lhermitte sign莱尔米特征
- Liteace莱特艾斯(小霸王)
- Laser莱塞(激光)
- leri sign莱里征
- Lispro赖脯胰岛素
- Libenzapril赖苯普利
- Cromoglicate lisetil赖色甘酯
- riley-day syndrome赖利-戴综合征
- lambert-eaton syndrome兰伯特-伊顿综合征
- Lanperisone兰吡立松
- landry paralysis兰德里瘫痪
- Land Rover兰德·罗孚
- Passenger Agent Office (PAO)
- monitoring system
- Supervisor
- superintendence
- Passenger Agent Machine (PAM)
- wardens
- Commissioner for Oaths
- Saute beef slices in sauce
- Saute chicken slices
- Sweet hot cake
- Fried pork slices
- Saute beef slices
- Soft fried prawns
- Hamburger,Russian style
- Fried dumpling with lotus seeds soup
- Fried tomatoes
- Steamed rice with barbecued pork and fried egg
- Pan sauté shrimps with egg white
- Chicken curry with rice
- Fried pork liver