- streptovaricin链伐立星
- chain carrier链的传递物
- perfection炼
- Chain cover链盖
- chain reaction链反应
- chaingage鏈式水尺
- streptonigrin链黑霉素
- sung anchorage良好锚地
- sung berth良好码头
- We begun is half done.良好的开端等于成功的一半。
- Cold bean curd凉拌豆腐
- sound wood良木
- Mixed cold jellyfish凉拌海蜇
- Cold green bean noodle with mustard and meat shreds凉拌粉皮
- Cold noodles凉面
- Joint of pork in aspic with green beans凉冻绿豆肘
- eam construction梁架
- soffit梁底面,楼梯底面拱腹,管内顶,拱腹
- Amolops liangshanensis凉山湍蛙
- Sturnidae椋鸟科
- upper flange of girder梁上翼
- grain collection and storage enterprise粮食收购企业
- Cereals,Oils and Vegetable Protein Engineering粮食、油脂及植物蛋白工程
- grain sales market粮食销售市场
- closed operation of grain purchase funds粮食收购资金实行封闭运行
- Braised shark's fins with two colour eggs两包芙蓉鱼翅
- Cereals,Oiland Foodstuffs Import and Export Corporation粮油食品进出口公司
- Cereals andOil Futures Exchange粮油期货交易所
- two-layer frame两层架构
- side buffer两边缓冲器
- double ballot system两次投票制
- Prawns cooked in two styles两吃大虾
- two stage purification两级净化
- municipal councils两个市政局
- two panne led door两格板门
- two aisle building两槛房屋
- two stage aeration两级曝气
- Fried noodles with bamboo shoots两面黄炒筍
- two force memoer两力构件
- side clearance angle两旁安全角
- two-stage cementing cement两凝水泥浆
- The battle is to the strong两强相遇勇者胜。
- Amphizoidae两栖甲科
- trim keel两旁吃水差 (船)
- "Lantern"chicken in two styles两味灯笼鸡
- Two types of pastry两甜点心
- Carp in two styles两做鲤鱼
- bicameral legislature两议院制立法机关
- Diamante亮饰
- Leuciglumer亮谷姆
- Passenger Agent Office (PAO)
- monitoring system
- Supervisor
- superintendence
- Passenger Agent Machine (PAM)
- wardens
- Commissioner for Oaths
- Saute beef slices in sauce
- Saute chicken slices
- Sweet hot cake
- Fried pork slices
- Saute beef slices
- Soft fried prawns
- Hamburger,Russian style
- Fried dumpling with lotus seeds soup
- Fried tomatoes
- Steamed rice with barbecued pork and fried egg
- Pan sauté shrimps with egg white
- Chicken curry with rice
- Fried pork liver