- Operations Manager操作经理
- operational work plans操作上的工作计划
- grass-root industry草根工业
- operating leases操作租赁
- siding,sidetrack侧线,旁轨
- drafting agreement of assignment of equity interests草拟股权转让协议
- flanking and encirclement strategies侧翼进攻与围堵战略
- Society of Geodesy,Photogrammetry and Cartography测绘学会
- flanker strategy侧翼进攻战略
- surveyor测量技师
- Measure测量,计量,措施
- Planning Officer策划官
- Head Planning & Development策划及发展主任
- Planning Officer (Internal Communications)策划官(内部关系)
- Planning and Review Branch策划及检讨科
- Planning Executive策划执行员
- Officer-in-Charge Planning & Evaluation Section策划及评估组组长
- OC Planning策划主管
- Strategic Investment,Strategic Investor策略投资,战略投资,策略投资者,战略投资者
- Head Planning策划主任
- Strategic Planning & Training Division策略性规划及培训署
- Head Strategic Planning Branch策略性策划科科长
- Strategic Research Section策略性研究组
- Business Tax Assessed by the Tax Authority查定课征
- hierarchy层次
- Check and Correction查对更正
- Charles Snow查尔斯·斯诺
- inspection visit查访
- Ward round查房
- sealing-up查封
- attachment ledger查封帐册
- attachment of debtor's property查封债务人财产
- check查核
- Enquire Announcement Information [CCASS]查询公布资料[中央结算系统]
- source legal provisions查阅法条
- Enquire Unmatched SI Reason [CCASS]查询交收指示未获配对原因[中央结算系统]
- Auditing Books and Accounts查帐审核
- Difference差,差额,差别
- different responses差别反应
- difference差额
- spread差额,利差,利润幅度
- Spread差额,差价
- difference account差额计算帐户
- marks / marks payment差额缴款
- square position差额轧平(未抵冲的外汇买卖余额的轧平状况)
- contracts of difference差异合约
- cash advance差旅预支款
- differentiated defender strategy差异化防御战略
- call money拆放款
- loan at call拆放
- Patriot missile
- X-mark a signature
- Foundations Network Ltd.
- to think of the source of getting rich and of making progress after becoming affluence
- "check-the-box" rule
- yo-yo stock
- People-first values
- UAE the Union of Arab Emirates
- WT watertight
- Like water off (on) a duck's back
- TAL traffic and accident loss
- actual cash value
- a/r all risks
- Royal Ulster Constabulary
- extra issue
- actionable subsidy
- subunderwriting,distribution
- UITF Urgent Issue Task Force
- engineering
- awareness