- transport stream传送流
- transducer传送器,换能器
- tandem coater串列传递辊式涂布机
- Serial bus串行总线
- window paster paper,vitrified paper窗户纸
- air separator吹(气分)离器
- bedsted-wrapping paper床包装纸
- blow吹,放浆,放料,放锅
- stripping tower吹出塔
- soot blower system吹灰系统
- stripping吹提,解吸,褪色,失去光泽
- winding stock吹纸
- vertical flow press垂流式挤压机
- bi-winder垂直式双卷复卷机
- hog锤式再碎机,松散机
- hammer锤子,锤击
- stamping rod春打秆
- refined white alkali,soda ash,calcined soda纯碱,碳酸钠
- stamping mill春打机
- purified纯净的,提纯的,精制的
- the age of innocence纯真年代
- genuine vegetable parchment paper纯植物羊皮纸
- lip唇板
- apron (cloth)唇布,裙布
- Alcohol Hydroxide醇羟基
- alcohoytic splitting醇分裂
- ceramic coating瓷釉涂布
- tile,porcelain,brick,stove tile,ceramic tile瓷砖,瓦片
- tile tank瓷砖贴面槽
- tile liner瓷砖用衬纸
- magnetic separating roll磁力分离辊
- tile mounting paper瓷砖装配用纸
- disk allocation table(DAT)磁盘分配表
- magnetic pyrite磁性黄铁矿
- magnetic recording paper,magnetic recording tape paper磁性录音带纸
- MICR paper,magnetic ink character reader paper磁性墨水文字阅读器用纸
- magnetic equipment磁性设备
- magnetic paper磁性纸
- Calcium hypochlorite次氯酸钙
- secondary reactions次级反应
- hypochlorite bleaching次氯酸盐漂白
- culled paper次品用纸
- culled paper次品纸张
- outer layer of secondary wall次生壁外层
- central layer of secondary次生壁中层
- secondary ray次生射线
- acacia false (Robinia psendon cacia L.)刺槐,洋槐
- false acacia (Robinia pseudoacacia L.)刺槐,洋槐
- bassora gum,karaya gum; keteera gum; Indian gum,gum karaya,karaya,gum tragacanth,刺梧桐树胶
- driven roll从动辊