- Dryer烘缸
- kilned烘干的
- dryer surface烘缸表面
- dry picking烘缸湿斑痕,汽斑(纸病)
- dryer pick marks烘缸粘纸痕(纸病)
- ret rot红斑,红色腐烂
- red cassia tree (Artocarpus hypargyraea Hance)红桂木
- Acer rubrum红花槭
- garnet paper红晶色纸
- Betula albo-sinensis红桦
- Specifications of red box letter facing machines红框理信机技术条件
- red herse-chestnut (Aescaius carhea Hayne)红马栗树
- redwood (Sequoia sempervirens Ehdl.)红木,红杉
- red sandal wood红木,紫檀
- Alnus rubra红桤木
- red rope paper红色麻浆纸
- red envelope paper红色封皮纸
- red rosin sheeting paper红色松香防护纸
- red rosin-sized sheathing红色松香胶防护纸
- red folio board红色文件夹纸
- red wallet红色纸夹纸
- Larix potaninii红杉
- infrared drying红外干燥
- mangrove红树类
- red heart红心病(木材初期腐烂)
- spoot parchment红羊皮纸
- macroscopic structure宏观结构,宏观组织
- postsynchronization后期录音合成
- final wash后期洗涤
- after sizing后施胶,表面施胶
- thick-wall fiber厚壁纤维
- sclerenchymatous cell厚壁细胞
- micrometer厚度计,测微计
- caliper and basis weight controller厚度与定量控制器
- litho blanks厚型石版印刷纸
- cardboard,millboard,tag board厚纸板
- Hope roll Hope弧形(导纸)辊
- Huyck foil Huyck弧形案板(组),弧形脱水板组
- are foil弧形案板,弧形脱水板
- bowed roll, cheese roll, curved roll,vari-bow curved roll弧形辊
- bow弧形杆,舒展杆
- cheese roll弧形辊,弓形辊,舒展辊
- carotene胡萝卜素,叶红素
- Juglans Mandshurica胡桃揪
- Juglans L胡桃属
- lamella湖色,薄层,薄板,胞间层
- tank poster糊靶洞用纸
- lake pigment湖色,沉淀色粒
- plaster board糊壁纸板
- window paster糊窗纸