- selection选取
- Selector选择器
- Opt Options or Optional选择位置,选择性
- Ass Association学会,协会.公司
- Apr Apprentice学徒,徒工
- Chevrolet Monza雪佛兰蒙札 美国通用
- cruise control system巡航控制系统
- Oil pump capacity循环供油量
- RBS Recirculating Ball Type Steering Gear循环滚珠式转向机构
- CCOT Cycling Clutch (Orifice) Turbo循环离合器涡轮增压
- CCOT Cycling Clutch Orifice Tube循环离合器限流孔
- cooling recovery system循环流冷却系
- recirculating ball-rack and sector steering gear循环球齿条齿扇式转向器
- recirculating ball and nut steering gear循环球和螺母式转向器
- recirculating ball-lever and peg steering gear循环球-曲柄销式转向器
- recirculating ball steering gear循环球式转向器
- circulatory circle循环圆
- TCL Traction Control System循迹控制系统
- ETC Electronic Traction Control System循迹控制装置
- Info Information讯息,资料
- Mesg Message讯息,资讯
- press shaping die压变成形模
- pressure-gradient control valve压差控制阀(优先阀)
- bearing pressing machine压承轴机
- Piezoelctric ignition压电点火
- bucket pressing machine压斗机
- shoulder pressing die压肩模
- fixed wiring压接电线
- Beading die压筋模
- pressure springs压紧弹簧
- PVFFC Pressure/Vacuum Fuel Filler Cap压力/真空加油盖
- pressure warning sensor压力报警传感器
- Pressure regulator压力调节器
- PAV Pressure-Actuated-Venting压力动作放气稳压阀
- PFE,Pressure Feedback Electronic EGR压力反馈电子EGR
- pressure joint压力接头
- pressure control spring压力控制弹簧
- PCV Pressure Control Valve压力控制阀,调压阀
- pressure control system压力控制系统
- pressure-feed oiling压力润滑法
- positive circulation cooling system压力式水冷却系统
- radiator-pressure cap压力式水箱盖
- road roller压路机
- planten压盘
- flattening die压平模
- PSIA Pound Per Square Inch Absolute压强每平方英寸磅
- squeeze molding machine压实式造型机
- COMP Compressor or Compartment压缩机或舱、室
- CNG压缩天然气
- natural gas vehicle(NGV)压缩天然气车辆
- armature terminal (output terminal)
- battery terminal
- earth terminal
- field terminal
- neutral terminal
- "circuit closed" tell-tale
- "off"circuit
- "three-speed" tandem axles
- Control System
- CR-V comfortable recreational vehicle
- EDC (Bosch's)Electronic Diesel Control
- M. Mounted
- WL Waterl Line
- levelling valve
- CP Circular Pitch
- DP Diametral Pitch
- DECS Daihatsu Economical Clean-Up System
- CVT continuously variable (belt) transmission
- coiled insulator
- (eelctromagnetic)emission