- parking brake control device驻车制动操纵装置
- parking brake lever驻车制动杠杆
- parking brake control驻车制动器操纵件
- parking brake push-rod驻车制动推杆
- parking braking sytem warning tell-tale驻车制动系警报灯
- parking braking system驻车制动系统
- Piston Bush柱塞套
- colume suspension crane柱式回转悬臂吊
- colume suspension crane柱式悬臂吊
- inner race withcylinder ball grooves柱形滚道星形套
- recording bus筑路工程用车
- transformer of casting shop-stamping shop铸工变电所冲压
- metallography room of casting shop铸工金相室
- casting shop expanding 1铸工扩建1
- casting shop expanding 2铸工扩建2
- bath room of casting shop铸工浴室
- composing machine, hot-metal composing machine铸排机
- casting process铸造工艺
- hot-metal typesetting, hot type composition铸字排版
- expert rooms专家楼
- professional standard专业标准
- Special vehicle专用车
- special warning lamp专用警告灯
- mining dump truck专用自卸汽车
- revolution per second (rps)转/秒
- rotodip转动浸涂
- rotary valve type转阀式转向控制阀
- drum dynamometers转鼓试验台
- transformation efficiency转化效率
- change-over contact,transfer contact转换触点
- CHIT Converter-Hi-Temp转换高温
- Invrtr Inverter转换器,变压器
- CLC Converter Locking Clutch转换器锁定离合器
- TLV Toque Limiting Valve转矩限制阀
- TLS Toque Limiting System转矩限制系统
- TMD Toque Modification Device转矩修正装置
- tachometer转速表
- TACHR Tachometer Resistor转速表电阻器
- speed relay转速继电器
- retarded injection timing control system转速控制的推迟喷油时刻
- SCS Speed-Controlled Spark System转速控制点火系统
- total revolution counter转速累计表
- speed adaptive coefficient转速适应性系数
- TR Speed Signal per Revolution转速信号(CKP)
- Turret lathe转塔式六角车床
- turn-table cutting saw转台式斜断锯
- Turning转弯
- turning radius转弯半径
- understeer转向不足
- steer ratio转向传动比
- armature terminal (output terminal)
- battery terminal
- earth terminal
- field terminal
- neutral terminal
- "circuit closed" tell-tale
- "off"circuit
- "three-speed" tandem axles
- Control System
- CR-V comfortable recreational vehicle
- EDC (Bosch's)Electronic Diesel Control
- M. Mounted
- WL Waterl Line
- levelling valve
- CP Circular Pitch
- DP Diametral Pitch
- DECS Daihatsu Economical Clean-Up System
- CVT continuously variable (belt) transmission
- coiled insulator
- (eelctromagnetic)emission