- large-scale jig大型装焊架
- HOVI Handbook of Overhaul Instructions大修须知
- OS Over Size大于标准尺寸
- VW Volkswagen大众汽车公司
- double-helical gear大字齿轮
- defective product代用产品
- toothed belt带齿皮带
- W/W With Winch带绞盘
- single bucket loading machine带升降塔架车辆
- transmission band brake带式中央制动器
- PSG Pressure Compensated Simple Governor带压力补偿的简易调节器
- belt restraint ssytem带约束系统
- vacuum pump with fuel pump带真空泵的汽油泵
- ATX Automatic Transaxle带自动变速器的前轮驱动
- Idle怠速
- IC Idle Compensator怠速补偿器
- ILC Idle Limitter Cap怠速调整螺丝盖
- idle load compensator怠速负荷补偿器
- ILC Idle Load Control怠速负荷控制
- idling speed fuel delivery;low idle delviery怠速供油量
- IMA Idle Mixture Adjuster怠速混合调节
- IAS Idle Air Stepper怠速空气步进马达
- IAC Idle Air Control怠速空气控制
- IAS Idle Air Solenoid怠速空气电磁阀
- LLS Idle Speed Control怠速空气控制阀(IAC)
- IAC Idle Air Control Motor怠速空气控制马达
- IACR IAC-Restricted怠速空气控制限制
- idle speed control怠速控制
- Winding A or B怠速控制步进马达绕线组A或B
- ICVS Idle Control Solenoid Vacuum Switch怠速控制电磁阀真空开关
- IACV Idle Air Control Valve怠速控制阀
- ISC-BYPA Idle Speed Control-Bypass Air怠速控制-空气旁通阀
- ISC-PW Idle Speed Control Pulse Width Drive怠速控制脉冲马达宽度驱动
- ISCA ISC-Actuator怠速控制执行器
- ISC-DCM Idle Speed Control Direct Current Motor怠速控制直流马达
- Forward/Reverse怠速控制直流马达前进/倒退
- ISC-ENA Idle Speed Control DC Motor Enable怠速控制直流马达驱动
- idle hole idling jet ,idle metering jet;slow running jet,slow running outlet怠速量孔
- IRPM Idle-RPM怠速每分钟转速
- IEV Idle Enricher Valve怠速浓化阀
- emission limits怠速排放限值
- at idle怠速时
- ISS Idle Stop Solenoid怠速停止电磁阀
- idle limiter怠速限制器
- ISV Idle Silence Valve怠速消声阀
- IES Idle Enrichment System怠速增浓系统
- IVV Idle Vacuum Valve怠速真空阀
- IVSV Idle Vacuum Switching Valve怠速真空开关阀
- ISA Idle Speed Actuator怠速执行器
- ITS Idle Tracking Switch怠速追踪开关
- armature terminal (output terminal)
- battery terminal
- earth terminal
- field terminal
- neutral terminal
- "circuit closed" tell-tale
- "off"circuit
- "three-speed" tandem axles
- Control System
- CR-V comfortable recreational vehicle
- EDC (Bosch's)Electronic Diesel Control
- M. Mounted
- WL Waterl Line
- levelling valve
- CP Circular Pitch
- DP Diametral Pitch
- DECS Daihatsu Economical Clean-Up System
- CVT continuously variable (belt) transmission
- coiled insulator
- (eelctromagnetic)emission