- salt waste盐质沙漠
- salt stock,salt plug盐株
- saliferous盐渍化的
- paint颜料,油漆,涂料,雷达显示器上显形,画
- color-saturation control颜色饱和度调整
- colour standard颜色标准
- colour identification test颜色鉴定法
- color stabilizer,colour stability颜色稳定剂
- diffractometry衍射测定法
- eriometer衍射测微计
- diffraction spectroscopy衍射光谱法
- diffraction limited divergence衍射极限散度
- diffraction angle衍射角
- apodization衍射控象法
- Diffraction intensity衍射强度
- diffraction region衍射区
- diffraction image衍射图象
- diffraction halo衍射晕
- diffraction broadening衍射增宽度
- nonevident unconformity掩蔽的不整合
- buried terrain掩蔽地形
- hidden structure掩蔽构造
- hidden outcrop掩蔽露头
- Shelter掩蔽物
- overthrusting掩冲,掩冲断层作用
- overthrust anticline掩冲背斜
- overthrust fault掩冲断层
- overthrust belt掩冲断层带
- overthrust-plane掩冲断层面
- overthrust block掩冲断块
- overthrust structure掩冲构造
- overthrust plate掩冲盘
- overthrust sheet掩冲席
- incrop掩盖露头
- subterranean weakness掩盖缺陷
- burial layer掩埋层
- ocellar texture眼斑结构
- eyesight眼光
- eye眼睛,视力,见解,眼状物,孔环,入口,信管口,光电池,打孔眼
- ocular眼睛的
- spectacles ocular眼镜目镜
- eyelid眼脸,可调节喷口的半圆形调节片,可调节喷口
- Oculopollis眼球粉属
- structure of the eyeball眼球构造
- augen structure眼球体
- augen structure眼球状构造
- eye coal眼球状煤
- augen gneiss眼球状片麻岩
- augen chert眼球状燧石
- spectacle blind眼圈盲板
- resonant peak
- resonant load
- resonance integral
- resonant reed
- harmonograph
- resonance ratio
- resonant cavity
- cavity-backed slot antenna
- resonant characteristics
- resonance curve
- resonant antenna
- resonance phenomenon
- solid-carrying behavior
- solid carrying capacity
- entrainment mechanism
- entrainment velocity
- gravel laden fluid
- carry over factor
- proppant transporting capability
- carrier fluid leakoff