- frequency-segmentation频率分割
- frequency management频率管理
- frequency trimming频率微调
- frequency correction burst (FB)频率校正突发(GSM的)
- frequency selective fading频率选择性衰落(色散衰落)
- frequency presetting device频率预置器
- frequency re-use satellite network频率再利用卫星网络
- spectral purity频谱纯度
- spectrum saving频谱节约
- effective gain in spectrum utilization频谱利用有效增益
- spectral efficiency频谱效率
- frequency shift keying(FSK)频移键控
- balanced sequences平衡码
- tamed frequency modulation (TFM)平滑调频
- average envelope detection平均包络检波
- flush-mounted antenna平嵌天线
- transfer impedance (of a screened circuit)屏蔽回路的转移阻抗
- automotive ignition interference汽车点火干扰
- bandwidth of a device器件带宽
- signed response (SRES)签署响应
- forward error control前向差错控制
- forward voice channel前向话音信道
- forward control channel,FOCC前向控制信道
- prescaler前置分频器
- preemptive-resume priority scheme抢先-恢复优先规则
- eavesdropping窃听
- service digital勤务数位(内务数位)
- service communication system勤务通信系统
- service channel勤务信道
- inclination (of a satellite orbit)倾角(卫星轨道的)
- voiceless清音
- zone-location code区位码
- demultiplexing去多路复接
- descrambler去干扰器,解扰器
- deaccentuator去加重电路
- general call(ing)全呼
- total access communication system (TACS)全接入通信系统
- GPS-inertial navigation system全球定位-惯性导航系统
- global network全球网
- globalstar全球星
- global maritime distress and safety system全球遇险与安全系统
- full carrier SSB emission全载波单边带发射
- full carrier emission全载波发射
- manual telephone system人工电话
- LISN人工电源网络
- manual switchboard人工交换台
- manual access multiple channels cordless telephone人工接入多信道无绳电话机
- Japan digital cellular system (JDC)日本数字蜂窝系统
- sunrise and sunset transition日出日落过渡期
- sun exposure test,sun test日晒试验
- exclusive-NOR gate
- AND gate
- (frequency) bandwidth
- dispatcher
- amplitude modulation (AM) station
- asymmetry of AM envelope
- amplitude modulation (AM) noise
- FM radio telephone
- frequency-modulation noise
- linearity of tuning
- justifying digit (stuffing digit)
- justification service digits
- modulation hum
- modulation limiting
- cabinet radiation
- broadcasting station on airplane
- basic transmission loss (of a radio link)
- basic service (of GSM)
- basic handover procedure