- almost splitting extension殆分裂扩张
- almost equivalent殆等价
- almost complex structures殆复结构
- almost splitting sequence殆分裂序列
- almost complex manifold殆复廖
- almost convergent sequence殆收敛序列
- almost flat manifold殆平坦流形
- almost bounded function殆有界函数
- almost significant殆显著的
- almost-periodic殆周期
- almost periodic solution殆周期解
- almost-periodic functions殆周期函数
- almost periodic motion殆周期运动
- almost periodicity殆周期性
- Dedekind η-function戴德金η函数
- Dedekind ζ-function戴德金ζ函数
- ringed space戴环空间
- Dedekind domain戴德金整环
- dynkin diagram丹金图形
- Dantzig-Wolfe method丹齐格-沃尔夫法
- simplex单[纯]形
- simple set单[纯]集
- single precision单[字长]精度
- simple abelian variety单阿贝耳簇
- simple Abelian variety单阿贝尔簇
- one sided derivative单边导数
- unicellular operator单胞算子
- single-variable system单变量系统
- univariable series单变量级数
- single step iteration单步迭代
- one-parameter transformation group单参数变换群
- single-step method单步法
- 1-parameter family of geodesics单参数测地线族
- one parameter multiplicative subgroup单参数乘法子群
- one parameter单参数的
- one sided approximation单侧逼近
- homogeneous Siegel domain单参数子群
- limit from the left(or right)单侧极限
- unilateral单侧的
- one sided differentiability单侧可微性
- one-sided test单侧检验
- one sided continuity单侧连续性
- one sided upper approximate limit单侧偏大近似极限
- one sided lower approximate limit单侧下近似极限
- one-sided surface单侧曲面
- simple transcendental extension单超越扩张
- simple potential单层位势
- simplicial approximation单纯逼近
- simplicial cell单纯胞腔
- simplicialapproximation theorem单纯逼近定理