- residual correlation of k th orderk级剩余相关
- k-partite graphk分图
- zero of order kk阶零点
- k-order momentk阶矩
- K-theoryK理论
- homogeneous function of order kk阶齐次函数
- k isomorphismk同构
- k connected graphk连通图
- k samples problemk样本问题
- k statistick统计量
- k-fold mixing conditionk重混合条件
- k rational pointk有理点
- l-adic representationl 进表示
- L p-spaceL p 空间
- LR methodLR 方法
- (LF)-spaceLF 空间
- LS critical valueLS临界值
- LS critical pointLS临界点
- l-adic cohomologyl进上同调
- L estimateL估计
- M EstimatorM 估计
- l null setl零集
- space curve of order nn 次空间曲线
- n-stage decisionn 步决策
- n-person general sum gamen 人一般和对策
- n-connectedn 连通
- a variable polynomial of degree nn次多项式
- function symbol of n argumentsn变数函数符号
- NP problemNP 问题
- n times continuously differentiablen次连续可微的
- n th rootn次根
- n th power operationn次幂运算
- n times continuously differentiable functionn次连续可微函数
- n-simple spacen单空间
- regular graph of degree nn次正则图
- n factorialn阶乘
- n gonn角
- n-simplexn单形
- parabola of order nn阶抛物线
- derivative of n th ordern阶导数
- n-cuben立方图
- n homogeneous varietyn齐次簇
- n connected spacen连通空间
- n sphere bundlen球丛
- n-person gamesn人对策
- n-person constant-sum gamen人常和对策
- n-person zero-sum gamen人零和对策
- N-person cooperative countermeasuren人合作对策
- n coboundaryn上边缘
- n chromatic graphn色图