- reciprocal paper倒数纸
- transpose of matrix倒置矩阵,转置矩阵
- reciprocity Monte Carlo method倒易蒙特卡罗方法
- arrival instant到达时刻
- Arrival time interval到达间隔
- road space道路空间
- Douglas functional道格拉斯泛函
- path-connected space道路连通空间
- path connected道路连通[的]
- asymptotic representation of Debye德拜渐近表示
- path component道路连通区
- Debye asymptotic expansion德拜渐近展开
- Dehn twist德恩扭转
- de Brujin graph德布鲁因图
- De Morgan identity德摩根恒等式
- de Rham cohomology group德拉姆上同调群
- geometrical sequence等比数列
- geometric progression等比级数
- geometric sequence等比序列
- equilateral cone等边锥面
- equilateral triangle等边三角形
- arithmetic progression等差数列
- equivariant map等变化映射
- Equidegree continuous function等度连续函数
- equicontinuous等度连续[的]
- uniform scale等分标尺
- equicontinuous subset等度连续集
- equal size等含量
- bisector等分线,平分线
- rank function等级函数
- symbolism等号体系
- Rank correlation等级相关
- equivalence等价[性]
- Relational coefficient of gradation等级相关系数
- symbol of equivalence等价符号
- equivalent point等价点
- equivalent matrix等价矩阵
- the Equivalence of function等价函数
- equivalent knot等价纽结
- equivalent neighborhood system等价邻域系
- equivalent terms等价项
- equivalent stochastic process等价随机过程
- equivalent state等价状态
- equivalent matrix等价阵
- be equivalent to等价于
- isogon等角多角形
- equianharmonic points等交比点
- isogonal affine transformation等角仿射变换
- isogonal trajectory等角轨线
- isogonal conjugate lines等角共轭线