- Diagnose method诊断法
- velours nickel诊断图
- vibrating phase振动相位
- orthogonal transformation正交变换
- normal tail正常彗尾
- face-on galaxy正向星系
- finder chart证认图
- face-on spiral正向旋涡星系
- Frame-Transfer帧转移
- Pointing precision指向精度
- Vega phenomenon织女星现象
- masssegregation质量层化
- lower mass bound质量下限
- compact binary galaxy致密双重星系
- velocity of contre of mass质心速度
- absorbing dust mass致吸尘物质
- compact flare致密耀斑
- moderate-resolution spectroscopy中分辨分光
- intermediate parent body中间母体
- moderate-resolution spectrograph中分辨摄谱仪
- radio-intermediate quasar中介射电类星体
- mesogranulation中米粒组织
- mesogranule中米粒
- neutrino loss rate中微子耗损率
- central overlap technique中心重迭法
- neutrino astronomy中微子天文
- terminal-age main sequence(TAMS)终龄主序
- period gap周期空隙
- heavy-element star重元素星
- main belt asteroids主带小行星
- main-sequence band主序带
- main asteroid belt主小行星带
- post-main-sequence star主序后星
- pseudo body-fixed system准地固坐标系
- pre-main-sequence spectroscopic binary主序前分光双星
- automatic photooelectric telescope自动光电测光望远镜
- ultraviolet luminosity紫外光度
- natural refenence system自然参考系
- spin phase自旋相位
- proper-motion membership自行成员星
- spin period自旋周期
- self-rotating frequency自转频率
- rotational pole自转极
- rotation velocity自转速度
- rotation rate自转速率
- standard rotational velocity star自转速度标准星
- glitch activity自转突变活动
- rotational phase自转相位
- rotational inclination自转轴倾角
- rotational evolution自转演化
- Alexis,Array of Low-Energy X-ray
- Wind
- Cyclops project
- Galileo
- Intercosmos
- Copernicus
- Viking
- Hinotori
- WHT,William Herschel Telescope
- Venera
- CGRO,Compton Gamma-Ray Observatory
- Cassini
- Clementine
- KAO,Kuiper Air-borne Observatory
- Voyager
- Magellan Telescope
- Magellan
- Giotto
- SOFIA,Stratospheric Observatory for
- Granat