- TAI国际原子时
- NOAO,National Optical Astronomical国立光学天文台
- Hubble parameter哈勃参数
- NNTT,National New Technology Telescope国立新技术望远镜
- Hubble distance哈勃距离
- hubble's time哈勃年龄
- Hubble space telescope哈勃空间望远镜
- Hay spot哈伊斑
- Hubble velocity哈勃速度
- Hale Telescope海尔望远镜
- KBO s海外天体
- helium white dwarf氦白矮星
- Nepturian ring海王星环
- helium main-sequence氦主序
- Hanle effect汉勒效应
- millimeter-wave astronomy毫米波天文
- binary millisecond pulsar毫秒脉冲双星
- extragalactic background radiation河外背景辐射
- extragalactic background河外背景
- extragalactic radio astronomy河外射电天文
- extragalactic jet河外喷流
- post-core-collapse cluster核心坍缩后星团
- circumnuclear star-forming ring核周产星环
- circumnuclear star-formation核周产星
- Herbig Ae star赫比格 Ae 型星
- Herbig-Haro shock wave赫比格-阿罗激波
- Herbig Be star赫比格 Be 型星
- Herbig-Haro flow赫比格-阿罗流
- stellar environment恒星环境
- star complex恒星复合体
- early stellar evolution恒星早期演化
- stellar halo恒星晕
- cross disperser prism横向色散棱镜
- dereddening红化改正
- post red-supergiant红超巨后星
- reddened quasar红化类星体
- reddened galaxy红化星系
- reddened object红化天体
- Red Rectangle nebula红矩形星云
- infrared红外
- red straggler红离散星
- IR spectrum红外分光
- IRIS,Infrared Imager / Spectrograph红外成象器/摄谱仪
- Infrared radiation红外光度
- infrared corona红外冕
- IRPS,Infrared Photometer / Spectro-红外光度计/分光计
- infrared polarimetry红外偏振测量
- infrared camera红外照相机
- infrared observatory红外天文台
- redshift survey红移巡天
- Alexis,Array of Low-Energy X-ray
- Wind
- Cyclops project
- Galileo
- Intercosmos
- Copernicus
- Viking
- Hinotori
- WHT,William Herschel Telescope
- Venera
- CGRO,Compton Gamma-Ray Observatory
- Cassini
- Clementine
- KAO,Kuiper Air-borne Observatory
- Voyager
- Magellan Telescope
- Magellan
- Giotto
- SOFIA,Stratospheric Observatory for
- Granat