- to convert a try对方球门线后触地得分
- Pin;flagstick对旗杆的俗称,作为目标时也指球洞
- has a good feel for the game对球赛的感觉很好
- pressure the ball对球施压防守
- to pick defense对掩护防守
- Dribble putt多次击球向穴
- Over two多二杆,其余类推
- Toronto Raptors多伦多暴龙队
- Dormie多米
- High handicap多让分
- Fore躲开
- multilaterial physical development多元的身体发展
- Fore躲开!
- Fore躲开(击球者提醒他人注意后方来球)
- Goose neck blade鹅头刃部
- extra pass额外传球
- Bottle golf儿童高尔夫球
- second base二垒
- sophomore slump二年生症候群
- thirty all二平
- Biceps Pullover二头肌提拉练习
- backhand backspin service发反手下旋球
- serving high clear发高远球
- out of bounds play发界外球进攻法
- Drive发球,打远球,打远赛
- ace发球得分
- foul hit发球犯规
- Over drive发球距离远
- attack-after-service technique发球抢攻
- service area发球区
- Tee marker发球区标记
- Back Tee发球区(职业男选手比赛时),后方球座
- Tee-shot发球区上的第一杆,在发球区上的第一次击球
- service right发球权
- faulty scrving发球违例
- service line发球线
- server发球员
- advantage server发球者紫
- free throw percentage罚球命中率。
- penalty area罚球区
- painted area罚球圈,禁区
- Penalty stroke罚一击/杆
- double somersault翻双筋斗
- carrying the ball翻球
- palming;carrying the ball翻腕
- bounce反弹传球
- bouncing ball反弹球
- Kick反弹球(球落反弹)
- counterattack反攻
- reverse roll反身转进