- X-ray telescopeX射线望远镜
- x ray holographyx射线全息学
- x ray topographyx射线形貌学
- x ray small angle scatteringx射线小角度散射
- parallel cuty 切割
- x ray diffraction camerax射线衍射相机
- Z bosonZ玻色子
- mechanical axis,y axisY轴
- alpha celluloseα蚕宋素,甲种纤维素
- Z-score ModelZ模型
- beta electronβ电子
- alpha spectroscopyα谱仪
- gamma ray sourceγ发射体
- βray irradiationβ辐射
- gamma ray laserγ激光器
- gamma spectroscopyγ射线能谱学
- γ spectrumγ谱
- gamma ray material testingγ射线探伤法
- γdecayγ衰变
- gamma radiographyγ射线照相法
- abbe invariant阿贝不变量
- Able's theorem阿贝尔定理
- Abbe's sine condition阿贝正弦条件
- AbelFourier method阿贝耳哺道镆斗
- apollo阿波罗飞船
- ArbuckleEllenburger group阿布克尔舶伦伯格群
- apollo type asteroid阿波罗型小行星
- abrikosov's structure of flux lines阿布里科蓑磁通线结构
- hadamard transform spectrometer阿达玛德变换光谱仪
- Alpine Himalayan belt阿尔卑斯喜马拉雅造山带
- alder transition阿尔得跃迁
- avrami's equation阿夫拉米公式
- amagat manometer阿马伽压力计
- aharonov bohm effect阿哈拉诺夫 玻姆效应
- amici's prism阿米吴镜
- Aston dark space阿斯顿暗区
- atiyah singer index theorem阿奇娅 辛谔指数定理
- astron阿斯特隆
- Abukuma type facies series阿武隈型相
- AJ(Atlas-Johnson)tubing joint阿特拉斯-约翰逊油管接头
- azbel kaner effect阿兹贝尔 卡纳效应
- ebert fastie mounting埃贝特 法斯铁装置
- actinoid nuclei锕系元素核
- atomic meter,angstrom unit埃单位
- airy's disk埃里斑
- eddington limit埃丁顿极限
- ewald method埃瓦得法
- airy pattern埃里图样
- ewald sphere埃瓦得球
- ewald construction埃瓦得造图
- 1/8 fluctuation
- 123 mud acid
- 1/n expansion
- third-octave filter set
- 4 counter
- 3k cosmic blackbody radiation
- b a gage
- class ab amplification
- a15 structure
- Anderson-Brinkman-Morel state
- API gravity
- analog to digital converter
- A electrode
- b quark
- A-type fold
- b phase
- bbgky hierarchy equation
- bf4 counter
- bk tube
- bn object