- chromel克铬美(热电偶用)
- C-process克朗宁造模法(壳模法)
- chromel克罗梅尔镍铬电阻合金
- kroll process克罗尔法
- Cameron core克麦伦砂心(缩颈砂心)
- Kelmet克美合金(铜铅合金)
- engraving刻纹
- division刻度,划分
- ragging刻纹,除去毛刺
- Kinzel test肯泽尔弯曲试验
- pit casting坑铸
- forced draft空吹(熔铁炉)
- shell core blower空壳砂心吹制机
- blank nitriding空氮化
- air pump空气泵,活塞泵
- air dehumidifying空气除湿
- air plasma-arc cutting空气等离子弧切割
- air pipe空气导管
- airing空气干燥,通风
- atmosphere-control equipment空气控制设备
- air jet空气喷口
- air patenting空气铅淬火
- cavitation attack空腔腐
- pneumatic steelmaking process空气转炉炼钢法
- vacuum melted steel空熔炼钢
- quenching of vacancies空位淬火
- vacancy loop空位环
- interstice,between sand grains空隙(砂粒)
- cavity fracture空隙断口
- hollow stirrer空心搅拌器
- void forming sheet空心型钢
- hollow core blower空心砂心吹制机(包括壳模)
- hollow casting空心铸件,空心铸造
- slush casting空心铸造
- dead pass空轧孔型
- no-load voltage空载电压
- pipe roller, idler空转辊
- idle period空转期间,空档期间
- pore孔,气孔
- idle time空转时间
- pore length孔道长度
- pass height孔型高度
- section of pass孔型轮廓
- pass design孔型设计
- depth of groove孔型深度
- filling孔型填充
- form of groove孔型外形
- controlled heating控制加热
- hole孔穴
- control cooling控制冷却
- diffusible hydrogen remained at 100℃
- A.F.S grain fineness number
- AOD Converter
- asea skf process
- ar transformation
- arbituration bar
- A type graphtie
- cereal binder
- BWRA cracking test for austenitie steel
- B type graphite
- CO2 process,carbon dioxide process
- controlled thermal severity
- c hook roll changer
- C-type spot welding head; C-type gun
- d.l.sintering machine
- DM converter
- ESSO test
- F-M process,full-mold process
- F.S.process,fluid sand mixture molding process
- G-BOP weld metal crack test