- Levi-Strauss李维史陀
- lyre里拉琴,七弦琴
- understanding理解
- Horizon of understanding理解的视域
- Actuality of understanding理解的现实性
- Strength力量
- historic历史性
- litany连祷
- bongoes连体鼓
- etude练习曲
- Sequence列序
- copy临摹
- imminent earthquake prediction临震预报
- earthquake prediction临震预测
- inspiration灵感
- inspiration灵感,启发
- Otherness另类的
- caminando流畅的,进行的
- Ethos流行心态
- upper circle楼厅(二楼)后座
- dress circle楼厅(二楼)前座
- amphitheater露天剧场
- pipe,shawm芦笛
- Lutheranism路德宗,信义宗
- Ricoeur,P.吕格尔
- profile轮廓
- Romanesque罗马式
- Solenoid valves [electromagnetic switches]螺线管阀(电磁开关)
- academy figure裸体画
- Rococo洛可可式
- mosaic马赛克,镶嵌工艺,镶嵌画
- Masoretic Text玛所拉版本
- lento慢板
- doppio lunghezza di tempo慢一倍
- Cartoon漫画
- writing brush drawing毛笔画
- contradiction矛盾
- Roman d'aventures冒险小说
- American Bureau of Standard美国标准局
- Art美术
- Misaa弥撒
- Midrash米特拉斯
- depiction描绘
- Minjung Theology民众神学
- analog / digital(A/D)模拟/数字
- AAD analogue tape recorder used during session recording and subsequent mixing and/or editing;digital模拟录音、模拟处理数码唱盘
- ADD alogue tape recorder used during session recording;digital tape recorder used during subsequent m模拟录音、数字处理数码唱盘
- analog to digital conversion模拟数字转换
- casting模制,铸造
- blocked-in article,molded goods模制品