- allotypy同种异型性
- homothallic yeast同宗配合酵母
- allogroup同种异型组
- eleostearic acid桐(油)酸,9,11,13-十八碳三烯酸
- isoagglutination同族凝集反应
- eleostearate桐(油)酸,桐(油)酸酯、盐、根
- pseudomonas aeruginosa铜绿假单胞菌
- copper band铜(托)圈
- chalcosis铜屑沉着病
- copper line铜线,绿线
- aerugo铜锈
- copper grid铜载网
- copper cement铜粘固粉
- larva童虫
- copper paraffin melting pan铜制石蜡熔化锅
- Childhood trauma童年创伤
- ketoneuria酮尿症
- ketoacidosis酮酸中毒
- ketosuria酮糖尿
- ketone body酮体
- ketogenic diet酮体生成饮食
- Ketone production酮体生成
- ketonic acidosis酮中毒
- pupil瞳孔
- pupil (iris)瞳孔(虹膜)
- seclusion of the pupil瞳孔闭锁
- pupil deformation瞳孔变形
- pupillometry瞳孔测量[法]
- anisocoria瞳孔不等大
- Pupilloplasty瞳孔成形术
- isocoria瞳孔等大
- cog wheel movement of pupil瞳孔齿轮样运动
- reaction of pupil to light瞳孔对光反应
- pupillatonia瞳孔反应消失
- pupilloscope瞳孔反应检查器,瞳孔镜
- dyscoria瞳孔反应异常
- deformed pupil瞳孔畸形
- mydriasis瞳孔放大,散瞳
- coreometer瞳孔计,测瞳器
- pupillotonia瞳孔紧张症
- pupil distance measure瞳孔距离测量器
- corectasia瞳孔开大
- pupillostatometer瞳孔距离计
- pupillography瞳孔描记
- corediastasis瞳孔扩大
- pupil forceps瞳孔镊
- persistent pupillary membrane瞳孔膜存留
- pupillogram瞳孔散缩图
- pupillary pharmacodynamic test瞳孔药效试验
- pupillograph瞳孔图
- postural reflex
- postural drainage
- positional plagiocephaly (flat head)
- body temperature (thermoregulation)
- TPR (temperature,pulse,respiration)
- thermometer jar
- thermometer
- temperature chart
- body temperature meter
- hypothermia (thermoregulation)
- temperature monitor
- thermometer case
- Hypothermia
- temperature module
- body temperature rhythm
- temperature indicator
- schematogram
- rest
- body-image view
- weight-related discrimination