- counter quench circuit计数管猝灭电路
- counter recovery time计数管恢复时间
- counter operating voltage计数管工诅压
- counter plateau计数管坪
- counter starting potential计数管起始电压
- counter tube fast neutron flux meter计数管式快中子通量计
- counter gas amplification计数管气体放大
- counter life,counter lifetime计数管寿命
- counter telescope计数管望远镜
- counter characteristic curve计数管特性曲线
- counter lag time计数管延迟时间
- counter tube diffractometer计数管衍射计
- counter tube hysteresis计数管滞后
- counter reignition计数管再点燃
- counting rate characteristic计数率特怔线
- efficiency of counter计数颇效率
- intrinsic counter efficiency计数凭身效率
- voltage characteristic计数特性
- counting efficiency计数效率
- computed tomography计算机化断层x射线照相法
- camac计算机辅助测量和控制
- central processing unit for computer计算机中心处理装置
- recording gamma ray spectrometer记录射线谱仪
- thermometry计温学
- recording thermometer记录式温度计
- technical conclusion技术结论
- comparison of records with reports记录与报告比较
- technical economics技术径济学
- dose effect relationship剂量 效应关系
- dosimetry applications research facility剂量测定法应用研究设施
- dose effect curve剂量 效应曲线
- dose unit剂量单位
- dose equivalent commitment剂量当量负担
- Dose Distribution剂量分布
- dose equivalent limit剂量当量极限
- dose fraction剂量分割
- dose build-up factor剂量积累因子
- dose modifying factor剂量改变系数
- dose limit剂量极限
- dosimeter charger剂量计充电器
- dose protraction剂量迁延
- dose ratemeter剂量率表
- gamma dose detector system剂量探测系统
- dose response correlation剂量响应相关
- parasitic capture寄生俘获
- dose prediction technique剂量预报技术
- parasitic count寄生计数
- parasitic absorption寄生吸收
- parasitic cross section寄生截面
- doubling dose加倍剂量
- one over v law
- detector 1/v
- 2 ionization chamber
- two pi radiation detector
- 2 pulse counting assembly
- 4 ionization chamber
- four pi radiation detector
- four pi counter
- 4 pulse counting assembly
- abc neutron source
- c 14 monitor
- cma diagram
- c neutrons
- d d reaction
- d d reactor
- d t reactor D
- d t fuel cycle
- dee gap
- dee line
- sita pinch