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查校网 > 南昌 > 大学 > 南昌理工大学


  • 公办办学性质
  • 未知在校师生
  • 7747浏览次数


南昌理工学院是经国家教育部批准设置的一所全日制普通本科院校,位于英雄城南昌昌北国家经济技术开发区,校园环境优美,教育设施完善配套。学院校训为:科学、务实、厚德、创新。坚持以“航天科教,兴我中华”为办学宗旨,遵循以教学质量求生存,靠科研创新促发展的办学原则。 学院建校十年以来飞速发展,占地面积5106余亩,建筑面积119万平方米,有三个校区(南昌、共青、樟树),五个校园。各类图书资料251.3万余册,各种教育资产总计达16个多亿;教职工1800人,具有高级职称的教师800余人,有9名享受国务院特殊津贴,院级领导中有两位省政协常委,三位原省重点大学校长、书记,三位年青的博士。学院聘请中科院王梓坤院士为学术委员会主任,中国工程院王子才院士为科技创新委员会主任,中国科学院院士、K8飞机总设计师石屏教授为学科建设委员会主任。学院现设十五个学院五个部九个基地,即计算机科学与技术学院、机电工程学院、电子与信息学院、经济管理学院、外国语学院、艺术学院、航天航空学院、生物环境工程学院、传媒学院、体育学院、建筑工程学院、心理学院、政法学院;五年高职部、公共教学部、思想政治理论课教学部、职业技术部、远程与成人教育部、科研开发部;教育部计算机NIT证培训基地、教育部英语等级证考试基地、劳动与社会保障部的职业鉴定所和培训基地、劳动和社会保障部的数控机床工艺员培训基地、国家人事部培训网公务员培训基地、大学生电脑竞赛基地、江西省大学生勤工俭学见习培训基地、中国电子学会工程师进修基地、江西省国防教育基地。共开设四个办学层次,80多个学科专业。教学仪器设备总值1.68亿元。学院特别注重内涵建设和教学质量的提高,实施诚信办学,依法管理。学院党委被省教育工委授予“先进党组织”称号,院团委被评为“全省五四红旗团委”和“全国五四红旗团委创建单位”,行家严格的科学管理,名师规范而创新的指导,使学院有了跨越式的发展,学生的创新和创业能力不断增强。在连续七届江西省大学生电子电脑大赛中,学院连获多项第一名;在第九届“挑战杯”大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛中,学院作品获全国三等奖和江西赛区一等奖……。教学质量的提高,也提高了学生科技创新和实际操作的能力,成为学院高就业率的保证。2005年,学院毕业生就业率居全省同类高校就业排名榜首。“订单教育”和校企合作的启动,更为毕业生就业提供了广阔的就业机会。因此,学院赢得“全国教育教学管理示范高校”、“全国首批十所就业型重点大学”、“中国十佳诚信民办高校”、“十大最受企业欢迎人才培养基地”、“全国创建平安校园示范学校”等荣誉。南昌理工学院法人代表邱小林被授予全国“五一劳动奖章”,荣获2006年“中国教育管理卓越成就奖”,并被评为“中国十大民办教育领军人物”、“影响2006—中国最具责任感教育领袖。” Nanchang Institute of Technology (NIT) is a private full-time average undergraduate institute,which is located in hero city Nanchang where August 1st uprising was held with beautiful campuses and gradually improved teaching facilities."science, practice, honest , innovation"is the motto for NIT, " Hangtian scientific education thrive China"is the purpose, while the theory is"working on the basis of teaching quality and promotion on the basis of scientific innovation" After 9 years of hardworking , NIT have made glorious achievements. It covers 4600 acres with 1,190,000 squar meters constuction area.NIT has complete equipments for scientific research and library. It currently contains up to 30,000 students, 2000 faculty members in which 642 teahers have the advanced title of technical and professional post. NIT has 13 departments,6 sections and 9 bases with more than 70 majors.Because of paying greater attention to the improving of inner construction and teaching quality, The communist orgnization of NIT has successively being awarded the title of "pioneer base of communist party" by commitee of private owned shool of Jiangxi provincial educational department, league committee of NIT has also been awarded the title of "provincial May4th flag league committee". The managment module of strict, scientific and innovative has attributed to the development of NIT. The exclusive chatacterist of NIT that is intergration of "prodution, learning and research", "order education" and school-enterprise cooperation opens the broad way of career for graduates.In 2006, 6 students got the title of chinese talented students,NIT also won the titles of " top 10 most welcomed talents training base" and "national model school of safe campus".NIT has made great performances in the provincial electronical and computing competition of Jiangxi university students for consecutive 8 years,among which first prize winner for several times.The employment percentage of graduates ranks the top in its type,In 2007, NIT won the titles of outstanding school of provincial graduates employment assessment,excellent base of provincial self taught examination. The juridical person Qiu xiaolin has been awarded the titles of "national May 1st labor medal" "2006 outstanding achievement of chinese educational management""top 10 leaders of national private education". Since the establishment of foreign affairs office(FAO), FAO has gradually improved the management of foreign teachers and increased foreign affairs exchange and coopreation.Up till now,NIT has 8 foreign teachers from different countries America, Canada,Philline and Korea etc.Through the exchange, we have beginned the cooperation with more than 20 universities from more than 10 countries, which is very helpful for the development of NIT.


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