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ái zhú 14画 基本字义 敱 ái(ㄞˊ) ⒈  有所治理。 ⒉  姓。 其他字义 敱 zhú(ㄓㄨˊ) ⒈  击鼓。 异体字 敳
12画 异体字 捭 English (interchangeable 捭) to ruin; to destroy; to break down, sound of beating or striking
14画 异体字 畢 English to finish; concluded
11画 异体字 勃 English (same as 勃) suddenly, to change, as the countenance, a kind of animal (interchangeable 悖) perverse; contrary to what is right, to rebel
chù shōu 10画 基本字义 敊 chù(ㄔㄨˋ) ⒈  病痛的样子。 其他字义 敊 shōu(ㄕㄡ) ⒈  古同“收”。 异体字 收
chuái 12画 English disaster; calamity, evil; wicked; mean
chuǎi 13画 异体字 捶 揣 English (same as 揣) to measure; to estimate; to suppose; to gauge what's pon another's mind; to presume; to test; to sound out, (same as 捶) to weigh in the hand
9画 异体字 English hidden; mysterious; secret, to conceal
diān 9画 基本字义 敁 diān(ㄉ一ㄢ) ⒈  〔敁敠( què )〕a.手掂量(东西的轻重)。b.估量,如“我敁敁着他会来的。”c.斟酌,如“这件事你敁敁着办吧”。 English to weigh in the hand, to estimate; to shake
diào 12画 English to beat; to pound; to strike; to rush on; to pat; to dash; to smash, to take by force; to wrest from
duō què 12画 基本字义 敠 duō(ㄉㄨㄛ) ⒈  〔敠 ( zòng )〕不迎自来。 其他字义 敠 què(ㄑㄩㄝˋ) ⒈  断绝。 异体字 掇 敪 English to weigh; cut; come without being invited
9画 异体字 English broken; to break, ruined, reason; cause; right, principle; theory, to arrange; to repair, to regulate; to operate; to govern
guì 10画 English to let go, to put, to raid; to aggress, to encroach up, a bad year; a year of famine or disaster
hàn 11画 异体字 㪃 扞 捍 English (same as U+625E 扞 U+634D 捍) to resist; to oppose; to obstruct, to defend; to guard; to ward off, (same as VEA3A83) to thump; to beat; to strike; to attack
10画 基本字义 敆 hé(ㄏㄜˊ) ⒈  古同“合”。 异体字 合
10画 异体字 合 English (ancient form 合) to combine; to unite; to gather, to close; to shut
9画 基本字义 㪃 hé(ㄏㄜˊ) ⒈  击。 异体字 㪋 English to thump; to beat; to strike; to attack
qī yǐ jī 12画 基本字义 敧 qī(ㄑ一) ⒈  古同“攲”。 其他字义 敧 yǐ(一ˇ) ⒈  古同“攲”。 其他字义 敧 jī(ㄐ一) ⒈  古同“攲”。 异体字 槣 English to pick up thing with chopsticks or pincers.
jiǎo 16画 基本字义 敽 jiǎo(ㄐ一ㄠˇ) ⒈  古同“敿”,系连。 异体字 敿 English bind
12画 基本字义 敤 kě(ㄎㄜˇ) ⒈  研治。 ⒉  击。 统一码 敤字UNICODE编码U+6564,10进制: 25956,UTF-32: 00006564,UTF-8: E6 95 A4。 敤字位于中日韩统一表意文字(CJK Unified Ideographs)。
14画 English to quell; to punish by force of arms, enemy; foe, to oppose; to resist
kě kè kuò 12画 异体字 敤 English to go to the very source; to search into carefully
liǎn 12画 异体字 斂 English (abbreviated form of 斂) to draw together; to accumulate, to collect; to gather
liàn 13画 异体字 揀 柬 English to beat, (same as 柬 揀)to select; to choose
líng 21画 English to beat; to attack; to strike
20画 English to draw together; to contract to fold, to collect; to gather, to hide; to conceal
12画 English sound of beating, to strike, sound of an object dropping into water, etc.
12画 English unstable, dull, rough; coarse
mào 13画 异体字 English to be held by the hand, to resist; to oppose
mǐn 13画 基本字义 敯 mǐn(ㄇ一ㄣˇ) ⒈  古同“暋”。 异体字 English to defy, dare; strong; to suffocate
12画 English to ruin; to destroy; to break down
qiàn 14画 异体字 鵮 English (same as U+9D6E 鵮) to peck, poverty; poor, things of the same value, to take; to fetch; to obtain, to select; to choose, (of a bird) to peck
qiāo 14画 基本字义 敲 qiāo(ㄑ一ㄠ) ⒈  打,击:敲打。敲击。敲诈。敲边鼓(喻从旁帮人说话)。敲门砖。敲骨吸髓。旁敲侧击。 异体字 㪣 䯨 搞 摮 毃 汉英互译 knock、percuss、strike 造字法 形声:从攴、高声 English strike, beat, pound, hammer; rap
qiào 14画 异体字 敲 English a place in Han dynasty, (same as U+6572 敲) to beat; to knock
qín 8画 异体字 拑 English to hold; to grasp, rregular; uneven, a precipice beneath an overhanging cliff, (same as 拑) to take by force; to control with threat of force; to coerce
15画 基本字义 敺 qū(ㄑㄨ) ⒈  同“驱”。 异体字 毆 驅 English expel, drive away; beat, assault
qún 11画 异体字 English infested with bandits and robbers
ruì 18画 English (corrupted form of 叡) wise and clever, shrewd, discreet, astute, quick of perception, the divine sagacity of sages
sà xǐ 16画 基本字义 㪪 sà(ㄙㄚˋ) ⒈  支起,墊起。 异体字 English to use a wooden pole to support something; to raise, to begin; to start
sàn 12画 异体字 散 English (same as 散) to scatter; to disperse; to break up or separate for a time; to dismiss
sàn tán 12画 异体字 散 English (same as 散) to scatter; to disperse; to break up or separate for a time; to dismiss
shǎn 11画 异体字 English uncertain; not yet settled, irregular, to raise one's hands, to exhaust; to use up, to complete; to finish, all; entirely; totally; completely
shàn 16画 异体字 繕 English to mend; to repair; to copy; to write out
shǎo 13画 异体字 English (same as 捎) to beat; to strike; to attack, to be in full possession of; to grasp, to make selective collection or coverage of
17画 异体字 㩋 English to strike; to beat, sound of beating
tǒng yú yǔ 11画 异体字 捅 English to lead on; to advance, to strike against; to break through
tǒu 12画 基本字义 㪗 tǒu(ㄊㄡˇ) ⒈  〈方〉把包著或卷著的東西打開。 异体字 剖 English (a dialect) to open (a parcel; abundle or a package); to unroll ( a scroll, etc.); (Cant.) to rest, catch one's breath
xiá 13画 基本字义 敮 xiá(ㄒ一ㄚˊ) ⒈  “ ”的讹字。 统一码 敮字UNICODE编码U+656E,10进制: 25966,UTF-32: 0000656E,UTF-8: E6 95 AE。 敮字位于中日韩统一表意文字(CJK Unified Ideographs)。
xiàn 10画 English to disseminate; to spread, the weak sound of a Chinese musical instrument with seven or five strings
xiào 20画 基本字义 斅 xiào(ㄒ一ㄠˋ) ⒈  古同“斆”。 异体字 學 教 斆 English teach, instruct; be aroused; awake; intelligent
11画 基本字义 敍 xù(ㄒㄨˋ) ⒈  同“叙”。 异体字 叙 敘 English express, state, relate, narrate
yàn 12画 基本字义 敥 yàn(一ㄢˋ) ⒈  以手散物。 异体字 烄
12画 异体字 English to follow; to attach; connected
yìn 15画 English to beat; to pound; to ram down, to attack
16画 基本字义 敼 yǐ(一ˇ) ⒈  嬉戏。 统一码 敼字UNICODE编码U+657C,10进制: 25980,UTF-32: 0000657C,UTF-8: E6 95 BC。 敼字位于中日韩统一表意文字(CJK Unified Ideographs)。
12画 基本字义 敡 yì(一ˋ) ⒈  轻侮;怠慢。 ⒉  改变;变易。 English rebuke
7画 English to enter, to go ahead; to proceed; to advance, to improve, to offer
zhā 15画 基本字义 㪥 zhā(ㄓㄚ) ⒈  同“抯”。 English to take; to receive; fetch; to obtain; to take hold of, to press with fingers, use the fingers to show the distance
zhěn 13画 异体字 椹 抌 English to pound rocks to pieces, (same as 抌) to strike; to strike with the fist
zhuó zhú 17画 基本字义 斀 zhuó(ㄓㄨㄛˊ) ⒈  古刑法名,即宫刑。 其他字义 斀 zhú(ㄓㄨˊ) ⒈  击。 异体字 劅 椓
zhuó 18画 English to pierce; to stab; to hurt, to give; to hand over; to confer, to teach, to build, to pound (grain) in order to remove the husk