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ái 25画 异体字 English to grind the teeth, teeth
chá 29画 异体字 English sharp teeth; to break something hard like a knife, sand (in food), ugly
chí mín 18画 基本字义 䶔 chí(ㄔˊ) ⒈  牙齦外露。 异体字 English prominent gums (of the teeth)
22画 English the process to whiten the ivory or elephant tusk, sound of gnaw
huá 24画 异体字 English sound of chewing bones
23画 基本字义 齏 jī(ㄐ一) ⒈  搗碎的薑、蒜、韭菜等。 ⒉  細,碎:齏粉。齏音(細碎的聲音)。 异体字 䪠 䪡 䪢 䪣 虀 韲 齑 English break or smash into pieces, pulverize; hash
21画 基本字义 齎 jí(ㄐ一ˊ) ⒈  同“赍”。 异体字 䝴 賫 English take in both hands and offer to
18画 基本字义 齌 jì(ㄐ一ˋ) ⒈  〔齌怒〕盛怒;暴怒,如“荃不察余之中情兮,反信谗而齌齌。” ⒉  猛火煮饭。 异体字 臍 㸄
jì qì 17画 English ramie; linen sackcloth, to twist and join (cords); to continue, to order the arrest of; to capture
29画 异体字 English to gnaw; to bite, well-arranged teeth
xián jiān 24画 异体字 䶠 English to gnaw; to bite, to hold in the mouth
jiǎn xián 24画 异体字 䶢 English (same as VEA4DA2) to gnaw; to bite, to hold in the mouth
jìn qín 19画 异体字 English disease of tongue (said of an ox), to keep the mouth shut
jǔ zhā 26画 异体字 齟 English (same as 齟) unevenly-fitting teeth, irregular teeth, resplendent with variegated coloration; bright and
19画 English swelling of the gums ( of the teeth)
kǎn yán yàn 34画 English fine teeth, irregular teeth
qiā qiǎ kè 20画 基本字义 䶗 qiā(ㄑ一ㄚ) ⒈  啃咬。 其他字义 䶗 qiǎ(ㄑ一ㄚˇ) ⒈  骨屑夾在齒縫中。 其他字义 䶗 kè(ㄎㄜˋ) ⒈  齒貌。 ⒉  同“嗑”。 异体字 English to bite; use all the strength to bite; to gnaw, bones squeeze between teeth (could not be picked out)
là liè 21画 异体字 English to separate the meat from the bones with teeth, the sound of using teeth to separate the meat from th
20画 English the sound of chewing something dry and hard, sound of gnaw or bite
19画 异体字 English irregular and prominent teeth
qià xiá 22画 异体字 English growing irregular teeth; crooked teeth, cleft tooth, sound of gnaw
qí zhāi 14画 基本字义 齊(齐) qí(ㄑ一ˊ) ⒈  東西的一頭平或排成一條直線:齊整。參差不齊。 ⒉  達到,跟什麼一般平:見賢思齊。河水齊腰深。 ⒊  同時;同樣;一起:齊名。齊聲。齊心協力。一齊前進。 ⒋  全;完全:齊全。人到齊了。 ⒌  中國周代諸侯國名,疆域在今山東省北部、東部和河北省的東南部。 ⒍  中國朝代名:南朝齊。北朝齊。 其他字义 齊(齐) jì(ㄐ一ˋ) ⒈  調劑:夫匠者手巧也,而醫者齊藥也。後作“劑”。 ⒉  藥劑:處齊
17画 English outstanding ability, exquisite; fine
23画 异体字 English to gnaw; to bite
21画 异体字 齲 English (non-classical form of 齲) decayed tooth; carious tooth
shí zé zhì 24画 异体字 齰 English sound of biting, (same as 齰) to chew; to gnaw
xiàn 23画 English to gnash the teeth (in anger)
yǎo 27画 基本字义 䶧 yǎo(一ㄠˇ) ⒈  同“咬”。 异体字 咬 English (same as U+9F69 咬) to gnaw; to bite
26画 基本字义 䶦 zé(ㄗㄜˊ) ⒈  牙齒整齊,上下密合。 ⒉  嚙。 异体字 齰 English upper and lower teeth in order and corresponding each other, to gnaw; to bite
zhāi 17画 基本字义 齋 zhāi(ㄓㄞ) ⒈  见“斋”。 异体字 㪰 䄢 䬩 亝 夈 斋 斎 粂 齊 English vegetarian diet; study; to fast, abstain
19画 基本字义 齍 zī(ㄗ) ⒈  古代盛谷物的祭器:“凡祭祀,赞玉齍。” ⒉  古通“粢”,稷,谷物:“辨六齍之名物与其用。” 异体字 粢 齊 璾