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cháo zàn zuò 12画 异体字 饘 饡 English (ancient form of 饡) to put the thick soup or broth on top of the rice (same as 饘) thick congee or po
18画 异体字 餬 English (same as 餬 糊) congee; porridge; gruel, paste
jiàn zǎn 20画 异体字 English tasteless; without enough salt; insipid; dull; not interesting, to taste food before royalty partook
17画 English small children eat less, tired of eating, baked cakes
12画 异体字 饐 English (ancient form of 饐) cooked food which has become mouldy, sour
zhì 16画 基本字义 䭁 zhì(ㄓˋ) ⒈  臭敗的氣味。 English stinking smell