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10画 English net; web; network, net for catching rabbit
fú fù hài xiè 10画 异体字 罦 English (same as 罦) a kind of net equipted with tricky machine used to catch birds and beasts, a covering for a cart
13画 English a kind of tool used to get fish
hǎn hàn 8画 异体字 罕 English (standard form 罕) a net or snare, a flag, rare; strange; scarce; few, name of a place in ancient times
hǎn 9画 异体字 罕 English (same as VEA4350) (standard form 罕) a net or snare, a flag, rare; strange; scarce; few, name of a place in ancient times
hóng 9画 异体字 English a full net, a thick rope; a cable
hù yá 9画 English (a corrupted form) net for catching rabbit
19画 基本字义 䍤 jǐ(ㄐ一ˇ) ⒈  滤酒,即酿酒糟熟后,用力挤压,使酒流出。 异体字 擠 English to strain out; to filter wine; to squeeze juice out of; to draw; to press milk
làng 12画 English vast
léi 18画 异体字 English a kind of fish net
lèi lì 21画 异体字 English smoky, covering; to spread, cloth for covering food
15画 English (simplified form of VEA4366) turban used in ancient times
23画 基本字义 䍦 lí(ㄌ一ˊ) ⒈  [羃䍦]頭巾,古代的一種面罩。 异体字 㒿 䍠 English (traditional form of VEA4360) a kind of turban used in ancient times
liào lù 16画 异体字 English small fish net, to catch fish with small fish net
méi 12画 异体字 English nets for catching birds, net; web; network
11画 异体字 English a general term for nets
mǒu 9画 异体字 English (corrupted form) net; web; network
tà zǎn 13画 English net; web; network
wú wǔ 17画 异体字 English netted veined window-sill
xuàn 10画 English (same as 罥) to hang up; to bind; to entangle, net; web; network
14画 异体字 罭 English (same as 罭) a drag-net; a fine net used to catch small fish
zhào 13画 基本字义 䍜 zhào(ㄓㄠˋ) ⒈  罩住家禽或野禽使不飛走。後作“罩”。 异体字 罩 English a basket or a cage used to keep wild and domestic fowls
zòng 14画 异体字 緵 English a kind of fish net with fine meshes