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tuó duò 14画 基本字义 駄 tuó(ㄊㄨㄛˊ) ⒈  古同“驮”。 其他字义 駄 duò(ㄉㄨㄛˋ) ⒈  古同“驮”。 异体字 馱 English a horse load; a pack-horse
duò tùn 10画 English to wipe tears, to bind
duò 19画 基本字义 鵽 duò(ㄉㄨㄛˋ) ⒈  〔鵽鸠( jiū )〕毛腿沙鸡。 异体字
duò 15画 基本字义 墯 duò(ㄉㄨㄛˋ) ⒈  古同“堕”。 ⒉  古通“惰”。 异体字 墮
duò hé 14画 异体字 English a kind of jade
duò 13画 异体字 鞶 English the hem; margin of the heel of a shoe, weeping sash or cord on a saddle, a leather rope, fringes of pear
duò 13画 异体字 English to store up grains, weeping rice plants, an ear of grain
duò 11画 English (same as 舵) rudder; helm
duò wéi 17画 异体字 English heavy clothes (thickness), to hang down
duò kuò pán ruán 14画 异体字 English sleeveless clothes
duò ruí wěi wèi 14画 English to squeeze and to crowd against each other (of sheep)
tuǒ duò 22画 异体字 English fry (of fish), crab, get rid of the scales of a fish
duò 17画 English heavy iron part of a plough, the linch-pin of a wheel
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