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15画 异体字 English (corrupted and non-classical form) to reach; to arrive, (same as 仆) to fall; to prostrate
15画 异体字 賦 English to bestow; to give, natural endowment or gifts, tax; revenue, to spread; to diffuse, to compose or sing, one of the Chinese literary forms akin to poetry
15画 English to have; to be present; to exist; there is
fù pēi pī 14画 基本字义 䯱 fù(ㄈㄨˋ) ⒈  髮貌。頭髮。 其他字义 䯱 pēi(ㄆㄟ) ⒈  [䯱䰄]多須貌。 其他字义 䯱 pī(ㄆ一) ⒈  [䯱髵]同“髬髵”。猛獸鬃毛豎起。 ⒉  披髮走。 异体字 髬 English (said of wild beasts) the hair stands up, walk with one's hair hang down, hairy, hair
17画 异体字 駙 English (same as 駙) extra horse harnessed by the side of the team, swift
16画 English open the door
fù pán píng 16画 异体字 English turbulent (said of water)
20画 English (same as 蛗) grasshoppers
18画 异体字 䒄 English name of a ship, fully load of a boat
18画 异体字 副 English (same as 副) to assist, secondary (in importance), rich and dense
20画 English spilt water, to pour out water
fù zhù 20画 异体字 翥 English cicada famiy; a poisonous insect
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