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líng 19画 基本字义 酃 líng(ㄌ一ㄥˊ) ⒈  〔酃县〕地名,在中国湖南省。 异体字 English the spirit of a being, which acts upon others spirit; divine; efficacious
líng 17画 基本字义 齢 líng(ㄌ一ㄥˊ) ⒈  同“龄”(日本汉字)。 异体字 齡 English age; years
líng 20画 基本字义 齡 líng(ㄌ一ㄥˊ) ⒈  见“龄”。 异体字 秢 軨 齢 龄 English age; years
líng 20画 基本字义 孁 líng(ㄌ一ㄥˊ) ⒈  古女子人名用字。 异体字 靈
líng 19画 基本字义 鯪 líng(ㄌ一ㄥˊ) ⒈  见“鲮”。 异体字 鲮 English carp
líng 21画 基本字义 櫺 líng(ㄌ一ㄥˊ) ⒈  见“棂”。 异体字 㯪 欞 English carved or patterned window sills
líng 24画 基本字义 醽 líng(ㄌ一ㄥˊ) ⒈  〔醽醁( lù )〕美酒名,如“密宴既集,醽醽不撤。” 异体字 造字法 会意 English kind of wine
líng 28画 基本字义 欞 líng(ㄌ一ㄥˊ) ⒈  见“棂”。 异体字 櫺 棂 English the lattice of a window a sill, a lintel
líng 24画 基本字义 靈 líng(ㄌ一ㄥˊ) ⒈  有效驗:靈驗。靈丹妙藥。 ⒉  聰明,不呆滯:靈巧。機靈。靈慧。 ⒊  敏捷的心理活動:靈機。靈感。靈性。 ⒋  精神:靈魂。心靈。英靈。 ⒌  舊時稱神或關於神仙的:神靈。精靈。 ⒍  反映敏捷,活動迅速:靈活。靈犀。靈便( biàn )。 ⒎  關於死人的:幽靈。靈魂。靈柩。 异体字 㚑 䨩 孁 灵 霊 霛 龗 English spirit, soul; spiritual world
líng 28画 基本字义 爧 líng(ㄌ一ㄥˊ) ⒈  火光貌。 异体字 燯
líng 广 8画 English roof of the house connected
líng 33画 基本字义 龗 líng(ㄌ一ㄥˊ) ⒈  龙。 ⒉  古同“灵”,神灵。 异体字 靈 靇
líng 鹿 28画 基本字义 麢 líng(ㄌ一ㄥˊ) ⒈  古同“羚”。 异体字 羚
líng 11画 English (sound transcription) used in names for minority ethnic group in ancient China
líng 10画 异体字 English thin; lean; slim; enacuated
líng 9画 异体字 English a kind of cattle
líng 11画 English to pity; to commiserate; to have sympathy or compassion for, scared; afraid; fearful
líng 11画 异体字 English containers for water or wine used in ancient times
líng lǐng 11画 异体字 English (same as U+73B2 玲) tinkling of jade pendants
líng 12画 English the evil spirits come out, sick and poor, stupid; rude, inattentive; absent-minded; careless
líng 11画 异体字 陵 English (ancient form of 陵) a high mound, tomb of an emperor, to usurp; to abuse
líng 14画 English (same as 菱 蔆) water caltrop
líng 14画 English name of a variety of bamboo; (Cant.) 䈊仔, a useless fellow
líng 12画 异体字 聆 English (non-classical form of 聆) to listen; to hear
líng 17画 异体字 昤 English (same as 昤)sunshine; light of the sun
líng 16画 English noise
líng 14画 English bones, the pelvis; the five lowest pieces of bone of the spinal column
líng 17画 异体字 䉹 English name of a variety of bamboo, bamboo ware
líng 17画 异体字 櫺 English (same as 櫺) carved or patterned window-railings; sills, the wooden planks which join eaves with a house
líng 17画 English (same as 苓) a variety of fungus; tuckahoe, licorice, or liquorice, name of a variety of grass
líng 18画 异体字 笭 English (same as 笭) framework of a carriage, a door-screem; a railing in the front and on both sides of a carriage, a stand; frame; rack in a cabin of a ship, a bamboo cage; a bamboo basket with a narrow opening
líng 17画 异体字 靈 English (same as 靈) the spirit; the soul, divine, super-natural
líng 19画 English raw, coarse, old, waste cotton or silk, wooly; fluffy
líng 18画 异体字 English shiny dresses
líng 21画 English to beat; to attack; to strike
líng 24画 异体字 鴒 English a second name for crane, a small swan, (non-classical form of 鴒) a second name for wagtail
líng 24画 异体字 軨 English (same as 軨) frames on the sides and front of a carriage, wheels of a carriage
líng 鹿 24画 异体字 羚 English (same as U+9EA2 羚) antelope
líng 27画 异体字 怜 English (same as 憐 怜) to pity; to have compassion on; to sympathize
líng 28画 异体字 English a god; a spirit; an immortal
líng 27画 异体字 蘦 English name of a variety of grass; nasturtium
líng liǔ 30画 异体字 䉁 English (same as VEA4241) name of a variety of bamboo, bamboo ware
líng 31画 异体字 軨 English (same as 軨) frames on the sides and front of a carriage, wheels of a carriage
líng 31画 异体字 English mountain deity; with human face and animal body
líng 35画 异体字 鴒 English (same as 鴒) wagtail
líng 33画 异体字 䚖 English name of a god; a legendary spirits having the face of a man and the body of a beast
lǐng líng 10画 基本字义 袊 lǐng(ㄌ一ㄥˇ) ⒈  古同“领”,衣领。 ⒉  下裳,裙。 其他字义 袊 líng(ㄌ一ㄥˊ) ⒈  衣光。 异体字 領
lǐng líng 8画 基本字义 岭(嶺) lǐng(ㄌ一ㄥˇ) ⒈  山,山脉:山岭。分水岭。岭脊(山脊)。 ⒉  特指中国大庾岭等五岭:岭南(指五岭以南的广东、广西一带。亦称“岭外”、“岭表”)。 其他字义 岭 líng(ㄌ一ㄥˊ) ⒈  〔岭嵤〕山深貌。亦作“岭巆”。 异体字 岺 嶺 汉英互译 mountain、mountain range 造字法 形声:从山、令声 English mountain ridge, mountain peak
lǐng 11画 基本字义 领(領) lǐng(ㄌ一ㄥˇ) ⒈  颈,脖子:引领而望。 ⒉  衣服上围绕脖子的部分:衣领。领口。领结。领带。领章。 ⒊  事物的纲要:领袖。要领。提纲挈领。 ⒋  带,引,率( shuài ):带领。率( shuài )领。领头。领衔。 ⒌  治理的,管辖的:领海。领空。领土。领域。占领。 ⒍  接受,取得:领奖。领命。领款。领教( jiào )。招领。 ⒎  了解,明白:领悟。领略。心领神会。 ⒏  量词,用于衣服、席、箔等:一领席。 ⒐  古
lǐng líng 8画 基本字义 岺 líng(ㄌ一ㄥˊ) ⒈  均同“岭”。 异体字 岭 English mountain ridge, mountain peak