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11画 English to add to; to increase; increase; full, plentiful; abundant, saliva
10画 English (same as U+9AAE) small and thin piece of bones
11画 异体字 English a kind of rice plant
11画 异体字 毅 English (same as 毅) firm; resolute; determined
12画 异体字 劓 English (same as 劓) to cut off the nose; cut off
12画 English anxious, unsuccessful man
12画 English maternal grandmother, a midwife, an old woman
12画 English long, a big raft, a kind of equipment made of bamboo used to catch fishes
12画 异体字 湙 English water current; water flow
12画 异体字 English flying
12画 异体字 䌻 翼 English (same as 翼) wings, fins, to help, to protect
12画 异体字 貤 English (same as 貤) to change hands; to shift, a series, steps; grades, to promote; to reward; ennobled; to bestow, to extend; to prolong
12画 English (same as 饐) to stuff full and to gulp down, cooked food which has become mouldy, sour
13画 异体字 English agricultural implement; farm tools, a big sacrificial vessel; a tripod of bronze with two ears; a caldron
12画 异体字 饐 English (ancient form of 饐) cooked food which has become mouldy, sour
13画 English to bind, to pack up the bows and the cover of the bows
13画 English used in girl's name
yì yī 14画 异体字 曀 English dust; dirt; a smear, (same as 曀) the sun hidden by clouds, obscure
13画 异体字 English the lower front of a robe, gown, etc., sleeves, the opening on the lower front of a robe
14画 基本字义 䔬 yì(一ˋ) ⒈  大蔴雌株。 ⒉  連翹。一種草本植物,可入藥。 English hemp, marijuana (female; pistillate), herbage
14画 English withered; faded; to die, a minor illness (of foot and hand)
15画 异体字 懿 English (ancient form of 懿) virtuous, expecially women, admirable; esteemed; excellent
15画 异体字 藝 English (same as 藝) skill, ability in handicraft, a craft, an art, a calling, a trade, an accomplishment
14画 异体字 䄩 䴰 English crumbs of barley; bran; chaff
15画 异体字 English firefly
15画 English quick, urgent, anxious, not going to succeed, poor quality of silk fabrics
15画 异体字 渫 English many; flourishing; uxuriant growth (of vegetation)
15画 English to administer; to regulate; to manage; to govern, people to have both talent and virtue, quiet; calm; safe; secure; stable
16画 English to call; to scream; to whistle, name of a stream
䭿 15画 异体字 English a swift horse, to summon; to ask; to solicit; to request; to seek for
15画 异体字 鄓 English damp; humid, to eat to the full
16画 基本字义 㵝 yì(一ˋ) ⒈  [溶㵝]也作“容㵝”。蕩動貌。 ⒉  用同“裔”。邊緣。 English moving, as in ripples; moving to and fro (said of water) (interchangeable 裔) the hem of a robe, a border, a frontier, border bribes
16画 English (ancient form of 懿) virtuous; fine; good
16画 异体字 懿 English virtuous, especially of women, admirable, esteemed, excellent
16画 异体字 English name of a variety of grass
16画 English a kind of animal, cattles and horses to prance; to be lively
17画 English a kind of insect
16画 异体字 噎 饐 English (same as 噎) to choke on food, (ancient form of 饐) decayed; rotten and smelly
18画 English a large earthenware jar with a small mouth and two or four ears; a big pot; bottle; pitcher; jug; vase
18画 异体字 喅 唷 English the abrupt and hasty sound of the crowd
19画 异体字 寱 English (same as 寱) (standard form of 囈) to talk in sleep; somniloquy
18画 异体字 English salted fish, globefish; blowfish; puffer
19画 异体字 English a kind of wasp
广 20画 异体字 廙 English rooms connected, moveable house ( a yurt, a portable, tentlike dwelling used by nomadic Mongols)
21画 异体字 English bamboo joints, name of a variety of bamboo, small bamboo
25画 English number, to count; to enumerate
22画 异体字 繹 English (same as 繹) a kind of sacrifices offered to gods or the deceased, rotten food, food, cakes and biscuits
21画 English open the door
yi 10画 基本字义 弬 yi(˙一) ⒈  ◎ 弓名。 统一码 弬字UNICODE编码U+5F2C,10进制: 24364,UTF-32: 00005F2C,UTF-8: E5 BC AC。 弬字位于中日韩统一表意文字(CJK Unified Ideographs)。
26画 English water currents; flowing of water