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zhì 17画 基本字义 儨 zhì(ㄓˋ) ⒈  古同“质”。 异体字 質
zhì 17画 基本字义 擲 zhì(ㄓˋ) ⒈  见“掷”。 异体字 掷 擿 English throw (down), hurl, cast, fling
zhì 17画 基本字义 懥 zhì(ㄓˋ) ⒈  忿恨、愤怒的样子。 English angry, enraged, resentful; hate
zhì 17画 基本字义 劕 zhì(ㄓˋ) ⒈  古同“质”,票券。也做古代买卖时的抵押文书,物品。 异体字 質
zhì 17画 基本字义 櫛 zhì(ㄓˋ) ⒈  见“栉”。 异体字 扻 栉 楖 English comb out; weed out, eliminate
zhì 18画 基本字义 贄 zhì(ㄓˋ) ⒈  古代初次拜見尊長所送的禮物:贄見(拿著禮物求見)。贄敬。 异体字 贽 English gift superior; gift given
zhì 18画 基本字义 懫 zhì(ㄓˋ) ⒈  偏激、凶狠的怨恨:“亦惟有夏之民叨懫。” ⒉  阻止;塞满。 异体字 English enraged; resentful.to hate. to desist
zhì 17画 基本字义 穉 zhì(ㄓˋ) ⒈  同“稚”。 异体字 稚 蕛 English young grain; young, tender
zhì 19画 基本字义 觶 zhì(ㄓˋ) ⒈  古代酒器,青銅制,形似尊而小,或有蓋。盛行于中國商代晚期和西周初期。 异体字 觯 觗 English wine goblet made from horn
zhì 19画 基本字义 瓆 zhì(ㄓˋ) ⒈  古人名用字。 统一码 瓆字UNICODE编码U+74C6,10进制: 29894,UTF-32: 000074C6,UTF-8: E7 93 86。 瓆字位于中日韩统一表意文字(CJK Unified Ideographs)。
zhì 19画 基本字义 櫍 zhì(ㄓˋ) ⒈  钟鼓架子的足;亦泛指器物的足。 ⒉  砍或剁时垫的木垫子。 异体字 質
zhì 20画 基本字义 礩 zhì(ㄓˋ) ⒈  柱子下边的石礅子。 ⒉  古通“窒”,堵塞:“有宿疑礩滞者数十条,皆莫能详辨。” 异体字 質
zhì 19画 基本字义 鯯 zhì(ㄓˋ) ⒈  鰶鱼。 异体字 䱥
zhì 19画 基本字义 騭 zhì(ㄓˋ) ⒈  见“骘”。 异体字 隲 骘 English stallion; promote
zhì 21画 基本字义 驇 zhì(ㄓˋ) ⒈  马重貌。 ⒉  马脚屈也。 ⒊  马难起步的。 异体字 騺 English heavy horse; horse unable to move because of twisted leg; plodding
zhì 21画 基本字义 騺 zhì(ㄓˋ) ⒈  (马)难起步的样子:“惠公马騺不行。” ⒉  止而不前。 ⒊  马狠,引申为凶猛、勇猛。 异体字 駤 驇 English heavy horse; horse unable to move because of twisted leg; plodding
zhì 20画 基本字义 豑 zhì(ㄓˋ) ⒈  爵(古代一种礼器)的顺序。 异体字 豒
zhì 22画 基本字义 鷙 zhì(ㄓˋ) ⒈  兇猛的鳥,如鷹、雕、梟等。 ⒉  兇猛:鷙強(勇猛)。鷙悍。勇鷙。鷙而無敵。 异体字 鸷 English hawk, vulture
zhì 22画 基本字义 躓 zhì(ㄓˋ) ⒈  被東西絆倒:顛躓。 ⒉  事情不順利,受挫折:躓踣。屢試屢躓。 异体字 胝 䠦 疐 踬 English stumble, totter; fail, be frustrated
zhì 23画 基本字义 鑕 zhì(ㄓˋ) ⒈  见“锧”。 异体字 質 锧 English tungsten, wolfram
zhì 6画 English (same as 厎 砥) to apply knowledge to final causes; to extend knowledge to the utmost, equally; average, smooth
zhì 25画 基本字义 豒 zhì(ㄓˋ) ⒈  古同“秩”:“以言轨式,则论事之体易规;若豒品程,则析理之篇滋尚。” 异体字 豑
zhì 10画 基本字义 䓌 zhì(ㄓˋ) ⒈  [遠䓌]即“遠志”。藥草名。 English polygala (a medical herb)
zhì 10画 异体字 English locust, larva of Chilo simplex; a kind of moth
zhì 11画 基本字义 㣥 zhì(ㄓˋ) ⒈  同“偫”。 异体字 偫 English (same as 偫) to store up, savings and/or reserves, complete with every; having nothing short; all; the whole
zhì 11画 异体字 稊 稚 English (same as U+7A3A 稚) young and tender; small; delicate; immature, (same as U+7A0A 稊) darnels; tares, grass
zhì 12画 异体字 㗧 English (non-classical form) to scold with loud voice, to talk out of control; loquacious
zhì 11画 基本字义 䏯 zhì(ㄓˋ) ⒈  同“痣”。 异体字 痣 English (same as 痣) moles; birthmarks
zhì 13画 异体字 洷 English damp; wet; moist; humid
zhì 13画 基本字义 㨖 zhì(ㄓˋ) ⒈  刺。 ⒉  劫財。 ⒊  到;直達。 ⒋  密集。 English to stab, to rob of money; to rob of riches, to go nonstop to, to cluster together; to mass; (Cant.) to squeeze in
zhì 12画 异体字 English cunning; wicked, spoiled; coddled
zhì 13画 基本字义 䇽 zhì(ㄓˋ) ⒈  一種粗竹蓆。 English a coarse bamboo mat
zhì 14画 异体字 㗌 English to scold with loud voice, to talk out of control; loquacious
zhì 15画 English a discharge or flux, diarrhoea and dysentery
zhì 14画 English (same as 銍) a sickle
zhì 15画 English securities; to assign something as security under an arrangement; to mortgage, to relieve or give aid to the distressed; to support
zhì 16画 基本字义 䭁 zhì(ㄓˋ) ⒈  臭敗的氣味。 English stinking smell
zhì 16画 English (same as U+7A49 稚) young grain, tender; young, delicate; small
zhì 16画 异体字 唧 English to make sound; to speak; (Cant.) to tickle, squeeze
zhì 17画 异体字 聜 English not to listen, disease of the ears, a dull sense of hearing (inefficacious; unresponsive)
zhì 17画 English small bamboo whose joints are three feet apart, used for arrows, name of a variety of bamboo
zhì 18画 English very dense; no break; to cluster together
zhì 17画 异体字 䝷 English to relieve or give aid to the distressed; to support, shells; precious; valuable
zhì 17画 异体字 English slanted corners; curved corners, crooked horn
zhì 19画 异体字 English young and tender bamboo
zhì 18画 English small headed
zhì 19画 English medicine for a sore; a boil (injure by a sword or a knief)
zhì 20画 异体字 稚 English (non-classical form of U+7A3A 稚) young and tender; small; delicate; immature
zhì 19画 English (same as VEA4C65) a kind of fish; silver-gray color with black dots; with small mouth and no teeth
zhì 19画 基本字义 䥍 zhì(ㄓˋ) ⒈  “ ”的訛字。 English (corrupted form) a whip, a farm tool used to regulate seedling and to weed