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查校网 > 德阳 > 大学 > 中国民航飞行学院


  • 公办办学性质
  • 未知在校师生
  • 5437浏览次数


占地16000多亩的中国民用航空飞行学院,创建于1956年,原名:中国人民解放军第十四航空学校、中国民用航空局高级航校。是目前全球办学规模最大、教学水平一流的民航高等学府之一。中国民用航空飞行学院位于成都平原的腹地——四川省广汉市,校园建筑面积72万多平方米。校内树木葱茏、绿草如茵,环境宁静、幽雅,是一方读书、治学的净土。历经51年的建设发展,中国民用航空飞行学院已经形成了以工学为主,理、工、文、管等多学科协调发展的办学格局。学校现有8个二级学院和1个体育部,开设有飞行技术、交通运输、交通工程、热能与动力工程、英语等21个本专科专业,其中,省部级品牌专业2个、精品课程12门,并在飞行技术与航空安全、交通运输规划、机务工程、航空人因工程等6个方向开展研究型硕士生培养,所设专业覆盖了民航运输所需人才的各个专业领域。学校建有一批高水平的研究院所,其中,民航飞行技术与航空安全科研基地是中国民航的重点科研单位,基地下设部级重点实验室5个。2006年,经国际民航组织和中国民航总局认证,学校成为国内唯一有权开展国际民航(ICAO)英语培训和等级认证的教育机构。中国民用航空飞行学院采用独树一帜的双师制实施本科人才培养。学校现有教职工3300余人,各类教师1800余人。其中,专任教师700余人,实训教师及高级工程技术人员1000余人。他们当中,具有高级职称的教师1100余人(含国家功勋飞行员47人,高级工程师75人),具有博士、硕士学位的中青年教师占学校理论教师总数的75%以上。目前,各类在校学生10000余人,其中研究生120余人,留学生近100人,飞行学生3000余人。学校现有固定资产近26亿元(不含土地资产值),其综合办学实力和整体水平居国内民航高校之首。目前,学校在四川、河南两省6地市建有4个飞行分院、5个机场、1个通用航空公司和1个飞机修理厂;配有奖状、夏延、西门诺尔、TB、赛斯纳-172等13种共234架初、中、高级教练机和包括波音737-300、800、空客320等在内的全飞行模拟机、固定模拟机和练习器35台;有中、美、法三国六方合作创建的位居全球三大培训中心之列的航空发动机维修培训中心,拥有各型航空发动机400余台;馆藏图书超过百万册、电子图书73万册、国内外数据库33个,建有1000兆校园网。学校坚持以学生为本,结合从严治校的方针,实施准军事化管理。校内学术氛围浓厚,学风、校风良好。近年来,学校大力加强和改进大学生思想政治工作、学生文化素质教育,建立了令国内高校瞩目的大学生思想政治工作体系和文化素质教育体系。长期以来,学校十分重视学术和文化技术交流,已同包括波音、空客等知名航空企业,美国佛罗里达理工学院、墨尔本皇家理工学院、北欧飞行学院等在内的国外数十所大学、科研机构、跨国公司建立了友好合作关系。有包括两院院士在内的近100名国内外知名学者、专家被学校聘为名誉教授、客座教授或名誉顾问。51年沧海桑田,51年栉风沐雨。飞院人根植民航,见证变迁,创造辉煌。据统计,建校51年来,中国民用航空飞行学院为新中国民航和亚洲、非洲20多个国家、地区的民航业培养了近50000名各类专业人才,其中,向中国民航输送的13000余名飞行员,占中国民航飞行员总数的90%以上。今天,中国民用航空飞行学院,将发扬“忠诚团结、勤奋严谨、安全精飞、求实创新”的优良校风,继续解放思想,以科学发展观统领全局,坚持安全、质量第一的方针,以改革开放促发展、促和谐,努力把世界一流飞行大学建设推向新的阶段。 About CAFUC Civil Aviation Flight University of China (CAFUC) is the only full-time regular institution of higher education for civil aviation pilots, as well as technicians of other civil aviation specialties and high-quality applied professionals in engineering, management and arts required by national economy, under the direct jurisdiction of CAAC. With its headquarter in Guanghan City, Sichuan Province, CAFUC, covering a total area of over 15500mu, has four flight training sub-colleges in Xinjin, Guanghan, Luoyang and Mianyang and two air terminals in Luoyang and Suining. It has set up 7 colleges, including College of Flight Technology, College of Air Traffic Control, College of Aviation Engineering, College of Air Transport Management, College of Computer Science, College of Foreign Languages, and College of Cabin Attendants, Sports Department, Simulator Training Center, Aero Engine Maintenance Training Center, Aircraft Repair Plant, Sanxing General Airline Co., Ltd., and Chinese Civil Aviation Scientific Research Base. Now CAFUC has more than 8000 full-time students. It has formed an educational pattern of “flight orientation and comprehensive development” and become the largest “university of civil aviation” in Asia with world reputation.In the past 50 years CAFUC accumulates abundant experiences and possesses over 500 flight or other specialty teachers with precise teaching style and exquisite technology, among which those with senior professional title account for about 30%. Of flight instructors 59 are granted the Meritorious Pilot title and some 100 are awarded golden, silver or copper medals of safe flying, accounting for 26% and 44% of the total respectively, and those whose safe flying hours is above 4000 account for 80%. Nowadays CAFUC has 5 well-equipped flight-training airports in Xinjin, Guanghan, Mianyang and Suining of Sichuan and Luoyang of Henan, 166 airplanes of 14 types for Instructional Training use and 30 supporting simulators and exercisers. In recent years CAFUC has made extraordinary achievements in aviation safety. It has won the highest award for general aviation—“Golden Seagull Cup” granted by CAAC for six times and been successively granted the honorable titles of “National Advanced Primary Party Organization”, “National Model Unit of Safe Flying”, “National Model Unit in Taking Comprehensive Measures to Maintain Public Order”, “National Civil Aviation Advanced Unit of Safe Flying”, “Sichuan Model Unit”, “Sichuan Advanced Unit in Ideological and Political Work in Colleges and Universities”, “Excellent Higher Education Institution of Carrying out School Sports Work Regulations”, etc.At present CAFUC offer 20 specialties for undergraduates, including flight technology (cargo transport aircraft pilot, general aircraft pilot, helicopter pilot), transport and communication (air traffic control, flight dispatch, aeronautical information and airfield control), English, computer science and technology, business administration, heat energy and power engineering, electronic information engineering, safety engineering, traffic engineering, logistic management, marketing, cabin attendant and tourist management, business management and air service. CAFUC passed the undergraduate teaching level evaluation by the Ministry of Education in 2004 and has got the right to confer “vehicle operation engineering” and “transportation planning and management” master degrees in 2006, which marks CAFUC is entitled to recruit and bring up master’s candidates and confer corresponding master degrees of 6 programs, i.e., flight technology and aviation safety, human factor engineering, maintenance and mechanic engineering, air traffic and transport management, air traffic operational environment, and flight program design and optimization from then on. Since its foundation CAFUC has been responsible for high-quality flight technical talent cultivation for CAAC. According to development requirements of civil aviation and higher education, it works hard and innovates to have established a complete talent cultivation system for civil aviation of China and formed distinct educational characteristics. During the 50 years CAFUC has cultivated over 10000 pilots and 5000 ground technical professionals for Chinese civil aviation and done the transition training of about 7000 (person-times) pilots and continuing education of 8000 (person-times) professionals of civil aviation. It also has cultivated a large number of pilots for such countries and regions as Japan, Vietnam, Indonesia, Malaysia, Iran, Mongolia, Cambodia, Hong Kong and Macao. Its adult education and private pilot certificate training has begun to take shape.In 2004, the experts group of undergraduate teaching level evaluation from the Ministry of Education said their impression of CAFUC so: “Civil Aviation Flight University of China is an institution of higher education with accurate orientation, clear thought, strong strength, distinct characteristic, intrinsic spirit and widespread demeanour”.


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