unit group
In this paper,we characterize the power set of a group G in terms of prope rties of normal subsemigroups,and get concepts of unit groups and dual hypergrou ps.
利用群 G的正规子半群的性质 ,将 G的幂集进行了完整地刻画 ,得到了单位群、对偶超群等概念 。
And the structure of unit group of nZ/mnZ is given out,too.
We investigate the zero-divisors and the unit group of quaternion algebra over Zn which is denoted by Zn[i,j,k] and obtain the calculating formulas of the number of zero-divisors and the order of the unit group of Zn[i,j,k].
In this paper, we factor one subgroup of the multiplicative group of units in the quotient ring (Z/(p~n)) as direct product of cyclic groups, where Z is the algebraic integer ring of the algebraic number field Q(3-2) and p is a given odd prime number.
In this paper it is shown that the multiplicative group of units in the quotient ring Z[32]/(2~n) can be used to obtain a three dimensional signal space of 2~(3n-1) points and to design one error correcting codes, where Z[32] is the algebraic integer ring of the algebraic number field Q(32).
Furthermore,the relevant properties on cut sets,inter section of sets,union of sets,scalar product,homomorphic image and inverse image are discussed,and is also introduced the conception of fuzzy unit subgroup in it.
对Fuzzy子群与Fuzzy不变子群这两个概念作进一步刻划 ,并讨论了相应的截集、交集、并集、数积、同态象与同态逆象等性质 ;同时引入Fuzzy单位子群的概
The Residue Class Rings of 2 Order of Nonidential Elements in Identital Groups U(Z_n)
The Zero Divisor and Unit Group of Quotient Ring of nZ on mnZ
spawning stock biomass per recruit
the basic unit of money in the Bahamas.
the basic unit of money in the Cayman Islands.
The fundamental unit of the hierarchy is the association.
Early work of Moss and Tansley used the formation as a unit.
A similar formation of groups, units, or individuals.
On sentence group as unit of translation in Chinese-English translation;
Dualistic Structure" Of Sports Management Under The System OfPublic Institution And "Public Institution Character" Of Mass Sports;
In Russia the local landscape unit has been designated a biogeocenose.
As units of lower rank within an association several authors have used "variants".
If at all possible, use fodder units like Disintegrators and Buzzers while fighting.
On the Employment Adaptability of the Urban New Unemployment Population in the Post-unit Society;
The Reason for the Existance of the Newly Unemployed under the State Unit System--By Examples from Fuxin City;
A Group with All Elements Except the Identity Being the Irrational Numbers
An Analysis of the SCL-90 of the Physical Check-up Population in Administrative Units in Beijing
A shoal of fish will do this. So it is a comparatively simple step from locating the sea bottom to locating a shoal of fish.
- ordered relation
- sample covariance matrices
- confluent hypergeometric equation
- uniformity
- bracket
- hereditarily enumerable set
- estimator
- series expansion
- coplanar
- back substitution
- unconditionally convergent
- Chern class
- extended predicate calculus
- double chain complex
- goniometry
- real unitary space
- compensation function
- similar representation
- acceptance number
- right pyramid