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injective envelope



1)injective envelope,单射包络2)single envelope,单包络3)injective envelope,内射包络4)injective preenvelope,内射予包络5)injective hull of a simple module,单模内射包6)one-parameter enveloping method,单参数包络法


The definition of injective envelopes of an extension of a Hilbert C * modules over a C * algebra is introduced, and is characterized in terms of the injectivity and essence.

研究C 代数上HilbertC 模扩张的内射性和内射包络 ,通过内射性和本性给出内射包络的特征描述 。

In this paper, we study some properties of p-injective modules and their injective envelopes and discuss the injectivity of p-injective modules over commutative integral domains.

主要研究P -内射模及其内射包络的一些性质 ,并讨论了可换整环上P -内射模的内射

It is proved that a ring R is VN-regular if and only if the Cotorsion envelope and injective envelope of any R-module M are isomorphism,if and only if E(M)/M is flat as a R-module,where E(M) is injective envelope of M.


This paper studies the relief grinding problem of the hob of point contact worm gear drive and puts forward a one-parameter enveloping method to calculate the axial profile of relief grinding wheel.

本文研究了加工经可控曲率修正的蜗轮齿面的滚刀设计问题 ,建立了相应的数学模型 ,并应用计算铲磨蜗轮滚刀刃形曲线的单参数包络法 ,求出铲磨砂轮截形曲线。