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system of representatives



1)system of representatives,代表系2)right representative system,右代表系3)system of independent representatives,独立代表系4)system of distinct representatives,相异代表系5)system of distinct representatives,不同代表系6)SDR,互异代表系7)representation,代表8)represent,代表9)representing,代表10)representatives,代表


Accoeding to the equivalence between numbers of system of distinct representatives and value of matrixs permanent, using the properties of matrixs permanent, we obtain a sufficient and necessary condition for only a system of distinct representatives existed in sets.


This paper gives a necessary condition for only a system of distinct representaives existed in sets by sets symmetric difference,revealing the relation between the symmetric difference and the system of distinct representatives of sets.

由集族的对称差给出了集族存在唯一的相异代表系的一个必要条件 ,揭示了集族的对称差与相异代表系之间的关

One is based on the theory of "SDR", and the other is based on NN.


The co-existence of these three theories can be mainly attributed to the fact of not having a thorough understanding of the essence of proxy and representation and lack of legislation.


Whether a state or government could represent its people or not mirrors the relationship between state and society,and every modern government is bound to exist and last on its representation of that society.


Research on "Three Represents" Theory and Construction of Ranks of Cadres in Institutions of Higher Learning;


The Chinese Communist Party has its own interest,and the interest is the logical intermediary throung which the Chinese Communist Party represents the people s interest.


On representing the trend of development of advanced productive forces:its historical necessity and realistic demand loyal;


Constantly representing the basic interests of general public, and serving the people heart and soul are the themes of C.

始终代表最广大人民的根本利益 ,全心全意为人民服务 ,是中国共产党的根本宗旨 ,也是党能够不断发展壮大 ,不断取得胜利的根本原因。

The analysis of the main characteristics of the representatives will serve the following functions.

192 1年 7月召开的中国共产党第一次全国代表大会是中国新民主主义革命史上开天辟地的大事。