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difference group



1)difference group,差群2)population differences,居群差异3)differential group delay(DGD),群时延差4)differential group delay,群时延差5)difference in crowds,人群差异6)group difference,群体差异


Through changing the parameters, many effects caused by the first-order polarization mode dispersion can be gotten, and differential group delay, pulse broadens and eye-diagrams in different syst.


A new method is proposed to measure the output states of polarization of single mode fiber with a polarizer and an optical spectrum analyzer, the differential group delay (DGD) of polarization mode dispersion (PMD) can be acquired.

提出利用检偏器和光谱仪同时测量单模光纤各个波长的输出偏振态 ,从而测量出偏振模色散群时延差 ,这种方法和传统方法相比 ,测量时间大为节省 ,降低了偏振模色散随时间变化而引起的测量误差 ,提高了测量精度。

The result showed that there was significant group difference between the female taekwondo athletes and average female college students in the time span and the degree of attention blink,and there was significant sport rank deference between the elite female taekwondo athletes and ordinary female taekwondo athletes in the time .


Results showed that there exited significant group difference of the degree of attentional blink, the last time of attentional blink, the lowest point of attentional blink between primary school students grade two and grade four, especially between the two group female primary school students.


The results show that there is a significant group difference between the female soccer players and the average female P.
