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geodesic coordinate



1)geodesic coordinate,测地坐标2)geodesic coordinate system,测地坐标系3)geodesic polar coordinates,测地极坐标4)semi geodesic coordinates net,半测地坐标网5)geodesic normal coordinate,测地法线坐标6)geodesic coordinates,测地坐标; (相对)短程线坐标


The formula for area of triangle on ellipsoid by means of geodesic coordinate is derived in this paper.


This digital terrain model (DTM) based on the ellipsoidal surface is essentially different from DTM based on projected plane because the Delaunay triangulation net is built based on geodesic coordinate system on regional ellipsoidal surface.


Another type of geodesic coordinate system with length quantity as coordinate parameter is present for the first time in our last paper .

从数学上论证以长度量为坐标参数的测地坐标系与大地坐标系能够成为表述 3维欧氏空间中点位的正则坐标系的条件及限定区域 ,然后着重阐述了测地坐标系与大地坐标系相互转换的基本原理和方法 ,并用算例验证了其正确性 ,从而为进一步实现测地坐标系应用于DEM和 3DGIS建模提供了可能 ,这就为最终解决在统一的真 3维坐标系统中建立DEM和 3DGIS奠定了基

In this paper, the principle and method of 3D visualization by geodesic coordinate system of ellipsoidal surface are proposed.

在椭球面数字地面模型 (DTM)的基础上 ,结合道路设计领域的特点 ,将空间实体划分为独立点状实体、线实体、紧贴于地面的面实体和体实体等类型 ,通过空间现象与椭球面DTM的叠加 ,首次提出了一种直接基于椭球面的三维GIS可视化模型 ,具体实现了道路、河流、湖泊、建筑物等实体模型 ,并进一步探讨了基于椭球面上测地坐标系统的三维可视化方法 ,从而真正实现了在一个统一的真三维坐标系中表达和处理空间现象 。

This paper proposes the principle and method of ellipsoid-based DTM,which is essentially different from DTM based on projected plane because it is built based on geodesic coordinate system on regional ellipsoid.

这种椭球面DTM是在区域性椭球面上基于测地坐标系建立起来的 ,因此不同于基于投影平面的现有的DTM 。

The relationship between the azimuth and the defined direction angle in the geodesic coordinate system is therein obtained.

应用微分几何和大地测量理论 ,提出并推证了在地球椭球面上的局部区域内以测地坐标为坐标参数的大地线二阶微分方程和一阶微分关系式 ,其间定义了在测地坐标系中大地线的方向角 ,并得出该方向角与大地方位角的关系式 。

As a continuation of 〔1〕 and 〔2〕, we offer some characteristics of semi geodesic coordinates net such as depiction in equal value and so on, which applications are simple and efficient.
