Several composite boards are introduced as a reference of the forest pr oducts exploitation.
Through utilization of reused water, the practical application of energy saving, decreasing consumption and reducing sewage discharge afford us reference for appropriate technical transformation and pipe design.
通过二次水利用在企业节能降耗 ,减少污水排放的实际运用 ,为企业相应的技改和管网设计提供参
The essay analyzes the similarities of the meaning of "reference" in daily English and in trade.
1 REFERENCE在日常英语中的意义 根据上海译文出版社 1 978年出版的《新英汉词典》,reference的意义分别为 :( 1 )参考 ;( 2 )出处 ,参照 ,参考书目 ;( 3)参照符号 ( =referencemark) ;( 4 )提及 ,涉及 ;( 5 )关系 ,关联。
Trouble diagnosis and exclusion of NC machine tool return reference point;
Improved fingerprint reference point location algorithm;
Numerical Control Machine Returning Reference point by??rule and line,Affect Stability Of Machine,And that,Affect Precision of Machine.
Then, by studying the control management of coal mine accident in China, accident rate is chosen as the reference standard to judge the level of intrinsic safety in coal mine.
Starting from the equipment system, electronic equipment and protection system, auxiliary equipment system and synthetic automation system of the main set, this paper advances some concrete technical requirements and reference standards on the main equipment of large unmanned centrifugal pump station.
The reference standard is direction hemisphere reflectance factor transferred by the National Institute of Measurement.
It is believed traditionally that specified analysis methods should have a metrological traceability to primary method through reference materials.
The method of metrological traceability of values for catalytic concentration of enzymes is now widely recognized as the combination of reference materials, reference measurement procedures and network of reference laboratories.
The fashionable textbook of circuit and electric machine have not pay sufficient attention to the reference direction,even is given error description.
Circuit simulation experiment indicates that it has actual meaning and function to analyse actual circuit by grasping settlement of reference direction in PSpice.
The “reference direction”, which plays an important role in the electric circuit, is a kind of method and means for analyzing and calculating the electric circuit.
- extended predicate calculus
- goniometry
- compensation function
- unconditionally convergent
- ordered relation
- coplanar
- series expansion
- uniformity
- double chain complex
- real unitary space
- right pyramid
- bracket
- acceptance number
- Chern class
- back substitution
- confluent hypergeometric equation
- hereditarily enumerable set
- similar representation
- estimator
- sample covariance matrices