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disjoint sum



1)disjoint sum,不相交并集2)disjoint union,不相交并集3)disjoint union of set,不相交并集族4)Unconformity,不相适性5)incompatibility,不相容性6)HLA mismatch,HLA不相合7)rate of incompatible,不相容率8)proper incompatible,真不相容9)independent,不相关10)disjoint,不相交


It is often very difficult to dope inorganic salts into the complex organic sols because of the incompatibility between the organic solvents and inorganic salts.


It mainly analyzes the incompatibility of nominative, accusative and genitive cases as a result of the L1 interference.

具体地分析了差异所致的英语主格 (nominative)、宾格 (accusative)及属格 (genitive)等形连的不相容性 (incom patibility

Objective: To explore the feasibility of HLA mismatched hemopietic stem cell transplants for the treatment of leukemia.

方法 :总结我所于 2 0 0 0年 7月至 2 0 0 1年 12月进行的 7例HLA不相合造血干细胞移植 ,其中包括 3例慢性髓性白血病、3例急性非淋巴细胞性白血病、1例急性淋巴细胞白血病。

A new conception of rate of incompatible is also put forward,and it is used to describe the property of incompatible of data in knowledge database and to correct the rate of error decision of decision rules.


This paper proves at first that any two non correlative random variables are still non correlative through linear transformation and the independent random variables of normal distribution are still independent each other through this kind of transformation.

本文先证明了两两不相关的随机变量在一类线性变换下仍然是两两不相关的 。

A new traitor tracing scheme was presented, in which traitors can not get a valid key by conspiracy, no matter how many traitors there were because each user’s decryption key was independent of any others.


This paper discusses the homogeneous embeddings of disjoint Steiner triple systems.


The algorithm will firstly put the multiple disjoint paths which have been found,into the path set Px and put the paths which are not disjoint from path set Px into the candidate path set Cx.


Two pure idempotent Latin squares are strictly disjoint,if their 3-tuple sets are disjoint.
