irreducible branch
Three-dimension incompressible and nearly incompressible analysis of solid rocket motor grain;
Numerical simulation of unsteady incompressible flow field;
Firstly,incompressible and nearly incompressible viscoelastic incremental finite element formulations were derived based on Herrmann functional.
On the basis of the model,the effect of the immobile water on contaminants transport in soil was analyzed.
Historical debates on irreversibility in statistical physics;
The Irreversibility in Earth Science-One of Chaotic Characteristics;
Irreversibility and Regional Sustainable Development;
Mo is an important resource of non-regeneration.
The Enacted Risk Responsibility and Force Majeure;
Accidents compared with the force majeure legally;
An economic reflection of force majeure;
Single-reference Mфller-Plesset Perturbation Extrapolation Technique in the Accurate Model Chemistry is Unreliable for Non-equilibrium Molecules;
从而表明,目前的精确模型化学方法 (G1、 G2、 G3和 CBS系列 )中用 MPn微扰外推的办法拟合高级别 ab initio,对偏离平衡构型体系 (如动力学研究中的过渡态、中间体等 )的能量计算 ,在一般意义上是不可靠的 。
Highly Efficient Monte-Carlo for Estimating the Unavailability of Markov Dynamic System;
The risk analysis method,in which unavailability takes the place of unreliability (Failures probability),is advan.
在可修系统风险分析中提出以不可用度取代不可靠度 (失效概率 ) 。
This paper presents a new application of “cluster sampling”of discrete distribution for calculating the system unavailability of system represented by a coherent fault tree or by a reliability block diagram.
It is concluded that Daniell Cell is thermodynamically irreversible and that criterion of ΔrGm is not equal to that of E.
讨论了Daniell电池的热力学可逆性问题和电化学反应的判据问题 ,认为Daniell电池是热力学不可逆电池 ,电化学反应的ΔrGm判据与E判据并不等
Through farther analysis and study on characteristic of dual cycle of internal-combustion engine in this paper,the irreversible of dual cycle is more close to the actual thermodynamic process,and it has important significance to the design and theoretically research work of internal-combustion engine.
Finite-time thermodynamics was applied to analyze the characteristic of the cycle dimensionless power output the efficiency and the optimal intercooling pressure ratio of an irreversible closed intercooling regenerated Brayton cycle coupled to constant-temperature heat source.
On the nature of irreversibility line in high T_c superconductors;
The effect of Pr-doping on the irreversibility line of Bi 2Sr 2Ca 1-x Pr xCu 2O y single crystals is studied,and the discussions on the origin of the irreversibility line are given.
研究了 Pr掺杂对 Bi2 Sr2 Ca1 - x Prx Cu2 Oy 单晶不可逆线的影响 ,讨论了不可逆线的起源 ,结果表明不可逆线起因于涡旋线脱
- Chern class
- goniometry
- compensation function
- back substitution
- confluent hypergeometric equation
- estimator
- similar representation
- coplanar
- extended predicate calculus
- hereditarily enumerable set
- bracket
- series expansion
- unconditionally convergent
- uniformity
- right pyramid
- ordered relation
- acceptance number
- double chain complex
- sample covariance matrices
- real unitary space