poisson summation formula
Parallel Algorithm Research on Solving Poisson Equations Based on Five Point Difference Format;
Referring to the timing diagrams for the hard and semi-soft handoffs in mobile Internet, the authors simulate the handoff loss probability under the Poisson and self-similarity traffic.
根据移动因特网中基本的硬切换和改进的半软切换算法时间流程仿真研究了 2种切换在泊松和自相似流量下的切换损失率。
Based on the Poisson arrival model, a new cache po.
在泊松到达模型的基础上 ,提出一种新的缓存策略——最少正规化代价替换算法(least normalized- cost,简称 LNC) 。
Poisson's ratio inversion based on AVO forward modeling;
Effect of SiO_2 filler on the elastic modulus and Poisson's ratio of epoxy layer;
Lithology prediction by Poisson's ratio—An example from Junggar Basin,NW China;
The Poisson ratio and crustal structure across the NE Tibetan Plateau determined from receiver functions;
The effect of Poisson ratio of material properties on plastic yield;
Study of poisson ratio variation law under finite deformation theiory;
0 in future 50a were calculated by applying Brownian Passage Time and Possion models.
Meanwhile,an effective method to transform from landscape strain of bugle specimen to axial strain of standard specimen and testing method of Possion ratio at elevated temperatures were recommended.
提出了一套适用于1~2mm厚度小试样高温低周疲劳的试验方法,包括薄片漏斗小试样与二次夹具合理设计、MTS引伸计改进、MTS TestStar II PID优化、径向应变向轴向应变换算方法以及泊松比测量方法。
Experimental results also show that Possion ratio of PC is about 0.
Some quantitative study on the relation between soil possion ratio and the settlement modification coefficient of the layer wise summation method were carried out based on nonlinear finite element program and several conclusions were obtained.
The authors expatiate the physical meanings of three parameters of CA(corresponding analysis) of gravity and magnetic anomalies according to the formula deduction and the result analysis from Poisson's theorem.
The solution of n-type metal oxide crystals Poisson equation Ⅰ the solution of Poisson equation;
N型金属氧化物泊松方程的解和费米能及E_f的变化范围 Ⅰ泊松方程解
Solving poisson equation by singular hybrid boundary node method;
A new pseudo-spectral method for solving Poisson equation in polar coordinate system;
A theoretical model on frictional bridging properties was presented to describe the interfacial(elastic) stress transfer including the Poisson's effect and friction stress at the debonded interface,then all stress solutions in the fiber and matrix were derived.
Hypothesis test in the judgement on a binomial distribution and a Poisson distribution;
Application for a small-area estimation of breast cancer mortality using Poisson distribution is illustrated.
Based on the reliability theory of structure system,a simplified formula of calculating dynamic reliability of multiple freedom-degree system was obtained by means of Poisson distribution hypothesis of structural response,and the dynamic reliability interval of ISPFS was estimated a.
- right pyramid
- series expansion
- extended predicate calculus
- sample covariance matrices
- estimator
- bracket
- double chain complex
- real unitary space
- uniformity
- Chern class
- coplanar
- hereditarily enumerable set
- goniometry
- acceptance number
- back substitution
- unconditionally convergent
- compensation function
- similar representation
- confluent hypergeometric equation
- ordered relation